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  1. Precious words of your heart. I am thankful today for everything Jesus did for you then and everyday since then. Love u so much!

    1. Denise, you were there with me during the most darkest hours of my life. You held my hand and NEVER let go. I pushed sooooo many friends away and I wish I would have known now what I needed back then. I still feel the sting losing friendships over loss, but so thankful that I can walk with a friend through her sorrow so much better now! love you!

  2. It’s been 10+ years since my son died. And only about 3 since I have been able to forgive God and thank Him. I wish like crazy my bio son was still here, but I also know the two children I have through adoption wouldn’t be with me. (our first son was adopted 9 years ago today)

    One of the things that helped through that first year was a simple card. Received every month. Telling me they were praying for me. From complete strangers. When others thought I should ‘move on’ these strangers were still lifting me and my grief up to God.

    Everything you mentioned though is right on target. No words. Just be there.

    1. Chris, it’s amazing how a friend can completely change the course of our grieving process. My love language is gifts … but cards are part of that. I feel SO loved when someone takes the time to give me a card. One of my very best friends is my sister in law, Erin and she would write me the most beautiful cards during my sorrow! I still have them to this day!

  3. My best friend Kendra was RIGHT THERE as I walked away from the hardest goodbye I have ever said. She literally caught me as my knees buckled and held me as I went into my ugly cry. That moment makes me love her more and seals us forever as friends 🙂

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