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  1. Loving daughter
    I’m so overwhelmed with your blog this morning! I’m starting this new assignment given to me by your husband of writing down at least 7 “pillars that mom and I used in raising you and your brothers.” I felt so alone this morning trying to figure out how to capture what we did and motivate other families around the world to at least do a few of the ways we tried to raise you. And, WOW, this morning, I get raised up in strength by reading your blog. I absolutely love your phrase to “do it with fear.” It’s not going to be me who ministers to families across this world, it’s God doing it through me and it won’t be done right if He’s not doing it!!
    Thank you so much for just being you and following your God given dreams to keep writing and encouraging others. You sure did it for me today!!!!
    Love, Dad

    1. Dad, I LOVE that you take the time not only to read my blog posts, but to leave a comment. What a gift to your daughter and a blogger! This post means so much to me personally, too! I love how Jesus helped Peter “remember” why he said yes. The charcoal fire symbolizes to me how much He cares about us. The simple action of building a fire, helping Peter remember the fish miracle 3 years ago, and challenging him to “feed my sheep!” I cried soooo hard hearing this message on Sunday and re-reading John 21 again. We are never alone. God is in control. But most importantly, He loves us right where we are, even when we don’t remember why. Love you daddy!

  2. Wow!!! What an outstanding job you did today. I’m reading something written by my precious daughter and it’s really good and ministering to my soul!
    Keep serving BIG and I loved watching the folks last week at the Orphan conference enjoy your enthusiasm toward your high calling of rescuing the helpless!!!
    Love, Dad

  3. I would like to purchase the photo on this page of the fisherman on the Sea of Galilee do you know who took it and how to contact thanks I want it for personal use not to publish it

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