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  1. Hey Kari! Loved your blog post! Just so happens that I’m starting up a middle school girls small group for K-Life and I’m having some of those same thoughts you did before you started church camp. However I met with the girls for the first time last week and met triplet girls who are all excited and that was a game changer for me! Triplets! Anyway, pray for me as I embark on this adventure with tween girls! I’ve got the guy thing down pretty good – lots of food, and stuff that blows up. Not so sure about girls these days and what they’re into, but I’m gonna find out!!! Thanks for the encouragement. Tell the family I said hi!

    1. Hi Kathy, I LOVE your story! What an inspiration to start your new God-adventure with tweens (that really is adventurous:) I’ll be praying for you and can’t wait to join you on another Sole Hope Cutting party! You have such a big heart! xoxo

  2. This was such a good blog post! Love all those pics 🙂 The one of us jumping into the water is funny…LOL.

    1. Abby,
      I love that I got to go on a BIG God-adventure with you and the team in Haiti!!!!! Did we have fun or what! Praying you continue to seek His adventures in your life! Love ya sister! xoxo

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