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  1. I love your Wednesday WOW recipes, and would love to hear more parenting stories! In fact, YES, to all of the topics you listed above! 🙂 My kids are 8 and 10, so I’m looking for all the wisdom I can find. 🙂

  2. Kari – I love how you have raised your kids to be passionate about missions. Please keep writing about your family’s mission trips, your son’s upcoming trip, ways to teach kids about missions, ways to raise money for missions, etc. I also love your plugs for adoption. It’s great to read your adoption family guest blogs and your husband’s take on adoption. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing!

  3. Kari,
    I LOVE your WOW recipes!! I also LOVE all the Simply Love T’s you always have… You give the best advice on “doing things scared” taking chances, and making a difference!!! You have the BEST BLOG EVER!!!!

    I LOVE YOU!!!

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