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  1. Yeah, Kari!!!!! We had our first of four days of The Cupcake Kids today! God blessed it in amazing ways!! Thank you so much for your support and love!

  2. Pingback: ehliyet
  3. Hi Kari, I stumbled upon your website and I am thrilled that you and your children started this ministry. It’s almost exactly what my family started last year. My youngest daughter started “I CARE Cupcakes” and together with her sister and brother, they have raised a little over $2,800.00 and have sponsored life changing surgeries for the orphaned children in Love Without Boundaries Foundation in China.
    Amazing what these kids are doing! Just like the little boy with the few loaves and fish, he changed the course of history by his small meal and fed thousands through his obedience to the Master.

    May your young warriors continue this wonderful work. Many blessings and congratulations.

    1. Hi Nena, that’s awesome what your children have shown is possible when you love big! Kids do have the biggest hearts in the world! Thank you so much for sharing!!

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