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    1. Lory, this is EXACTLY what families need to know. Its sooo sad that many don't move forward due to the money issues. It's just not an excuse any longer, huh!! Thanks for your suggestions… I wish my hubby worked with your hubby:)

    1. Sherry, you are so welcome. Let me know some of the issues you are dealing with. I really want to help eliminate any fears, worries or stop signs that get in the way. Lets keep talking & sharing ideas.


  1. Kari,

    I love that you already have Both Hands recommended. We attended the Together for Adoption Conference in Franklin,TN a few weeks ago and got to hear the founder of the organization share the many wonderful things it has done in the past year. Honestly, it challenged my view of fundraising – I was blown away by the concept. Definitely Biblical – but I've never seen it done this way. We are looking into it!

    I also recommend checking with churches in the area. Our small church does not currently have an adoption ministry or fund, but we applied for a grant through a church about 30 minutes away. We were thrilled they chose our family to receive one of their $500 grants – every little bit helps!

  2. Kari,

    I love that you already have Both Hands recommended. We attended the Together for Adoption Conference in Franklin,TN a few weeks ago and got to hear the founder of the organization share the many wonderful things it has done in the past year. Honestly, it challenged my view of fundraising – I was blown away by the concept. Definitely Biblical – but I've never seen it done this way. We are looking into it!

    I also recommend checking with churches in the area. Our small church does not currently have an adoption ministry or fund, but we applied for a grant through a church about 30 minutes away. We were thrilled they chose our family to receive one of their $500 grants – every little bit helps!
    OH! You're my new favorite blogger fyi

  3. this is easy … … our tees are fabulous and you make $10 off the sale of each shirt … When I did my first TEE I raised $11,000 in 5 months … You not only help bring your child home, but you get to educate people on the orphan crisis …

    blessing sister … I still have your bball shirt … do you want it or am I still waiting for your give away …

  4. Jones Family Adoption Fundraiser Miracle- God provides!!

    Dear Son,

    You will not believe the goodness of the Lord today! Your dad and I are completely humbled, in tears, and speechless at the news. Some of our closest friends Andy and Jamie Jo, called tonight. Andy talked with your dad and shared that one of his friends wants to completely pay for our adoption. Yes OUR adoption. Wow! (Dear Lord please bless this generous lady at this very moment.) We are overwhelmed and speechless. We are thankful and blessed beyond our understanding. We are joyful and at peace. We are delighted in the goodness on people's hearts, especially this lady, Andy & Jamie Jo, and all others involved. Thank you dear God for providing for our every need. I knew that at the moment you spoke so clearly to me about going ahead with this adoption that you would provide the means. I just knew you would. I did not know how or from where or when. And now that my prayer is being answered I am not surprised, God…at your faithfulness, but I am completely in awe of how this is happening. And humbled.

    Dear Ma'am,

    "May the Lord bless you and keep you;

    may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;

    may the Lord turn his face to you and grant you his peace."

    Michael and I, along with our son would be overjoyed to meet you some day. We would love to bless your life in some way, as you are blessing ours beyond measure. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Michael and I want to be parents really badly, and we cannot wait to bring our son home. You are making this possible for us. Wow! At church on a Sunday in December our pastor asked this question: "What is your opportunity to love?" We were supposed to write down the question and the answer on a note card. Michael and I had already been discussing the idea of adopting our first child. That day God brought the word to the forefront of my thoughts. My answer to the question was so clear from God, so I wrote ADOPTION on my notecard. The next thing the pastor said was this, "Do not be afraid to follow through on this opportunity to love." Our main fear in following through was the cost of the adoption, but we trusted in God and followed through. You are now a part of this story. A story we will tell our son one day, and a story that we will tell for years to come. Then our son will tell his children, and it will be passed on for generations.

    Thank you so much,

    Kristyn and Michael Jones

    (Goodnight son. May you have a peaceful rest and a bright and delightful new day tomorrow. We love you–mom and dad)

    posted by michael and kristyn at tuesday, march 31, 2009

    1. Kristyn and Michael-
      If only you knew how powerful this testimony is…Thank you for writting this down and sharing. I just got off the phone today with our adoption agency and was worried about the finacial aspect of this adoption journey we were about to begin. I know God wants us to go through and begin, I feel it in every part of my being, however I had the little planner in me say wait until you have all the money. I got on the computer to look up adoption grants and funding and your testimony showed up on the first page I clicked on. As I sit here just finishing reading your story I have tears running down my face. I know God sent me to this page to show me to have faith. Faith in his plan and faith that he will always provide. I’m ashamed that I ever doubted, but am so greatful for your story. I don’t know if you will recieve this message seeing that you wrote this in 2009, but just incase I wanted to make sure you know how God is using you in our story 🙂 .

      Thank You Again!

  5. I just happened upon your blog and love the great information that you have posted! We are adopting again from China and have started a free fundraising website for adoptive families to use, Please help us spread the word to other families! This is a wonderful way to create a keepsake as well as raise support for adoption! We hope that it will make adoption a possible option to more and more families!



  6. Hi! I have a question. My husband and I JUST started the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia, and the biggest question people have been asking me is, "Is there an organization I can donate through where the funds will go to you, but my donation will be tax-deductible?"

    I have been scouring the web to find out, but so far, no luck. I see that Shepherd's Crook ministry does that, but it looks like they only work with families adopting special needs children. I feel like most people want to donate tax-deductible. Have you encountered any organizations that do this? Do you have any ideas? How have you dealt with this issue? Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!!!!!!


  7. please anyone out there that can help me adopt this baby boy. he is two, his mom is sick and has chosen me to adopt her son. I however being my first adoption did not know there was a big cost involved. Where i know God makes a way this is a way. I would really like help. this is legit and the mom is dying. she needs someone to care for him. the total cost is 4000 us dollars they at least need 2000 to get the baby over to me. If anyone could help i will greatly appreciate it. it can even be a loan and i can pay you back with interest if need. I will share picts and all the information so you will  be assured its legal. please share your Godly love to me and this baby boy. and even if you cant pray for me and the baby boy so that everything will work out. my email is LESHAYSHUTE@YAHOO.COM THANKS.

  8. My husband and I used crowdfunding website Go Get Funding (http://gogetfunding). We fell a little short of our target but still chuffed at what we raised (just over 9k – had a 10k) target which did indeed help our adoption dreams come true.

    If you have a network of friends and family that you think would be happy to pitch in, I highly recommend you try this method. Here’s their adoption category:

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