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  1. Yea! Thanks! We are always looking for anything about, or related to, Ethiopia! I will be emailing you…Amelia has been sick-sick-sick, so the week was filled with taking care of her. (But she is way better now, thank God.)

  2. I stumbled across your blog a few months ago and have loved reading your story about adopting in Ethiopia. I've been to Ethiopia twice and love that place with all my heart. This post got me really excited because my trips to Ethiopia have been to work with Project Mercy, Marta and Deme's organization. Marta and Deme are doing incredible work and are the most amazing, humble people you will ever meet. They have such a heart for their people. I'm a medical student in Kansas now with plans to return to Ethiopia when I'm done in order to work at Project Mercy's hospital.

  3. I wrote this book down on my "wish list" along with one of your t'shirts! My husband and I have been called to adopt by Christ. We have 4 children but we feel to adopt 1-2 children from Ethiopia. AWAA will be our agency and we planned to begin our paperchase next year but that might be delayed now because my husband was laid off 6 wks ago. Since I stay home w/our kids (which includes 10 month old twins), he was our ONLY income. I would love to chat or email you for support. I have loads of questions but I have met (blogged) some wonderful adoptive parents that I now follow everyday!! I even started a blog but haven't even told anyone because I know people will think I am crazy that I have adoption on the brain when we have no income right now (ha) but God is great and He will make a way. Just like me finding your blog. Things happen for a reason. Please save a size Medium shirt if you don't mind until I can afford to send $15 to you. I just don't want them to run out:-). Email me sometime when you have time – God bless your beautiful family!!! Tammy

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