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  1. Kari, you are amazing, and your group was too! I want to thank all of you, and everyone who donated formula, for helping us get formula to these precious babies. I just want to clarify one thing. Almost all the babies on our program are there because their moms have died. These babies would most likely die without this lifesaving formula. We also work with nursing moms who are having a hard time nursing. We help the moms with vitamins and food, to improve their nutrition, so they can nurse well.

    1. Jennifer, you are my hero and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your home with 16 crazy people for a week 🙂 Your clinic program saves lives every day in your community and I hope readers will keep you all in their prayers!!! HHH is truly a piece of heaven!! love you sister!!

  2. I have had so many people ask me about Rudy since I’ve gotten back.  They’ve followed him on my Facebook.  It amazes me how he has touched so many people  in such a short time.  This child has a purpose.  Someday he’s going to hear in Heaven how loved he is.

    I am so disappointed that his parents couldn’t give him what seems so clearly to us to be the best chance at long term survival right now, but I am satisfied to know that his father loves him very much and that he now knows where he can go when he does come to terms with Rudy’s health.  I am satisfied that we showed both Rudy’s parents how much God loves them through our love for their child.  I am satisfied that for a short time, Rudy had a WHOLE LOT OF MOMMIES and the BEST of care!!!  I am still impressed with Jennifer, Sonja and Katie’s adhoc NICU capabilities.  I will be forever grateful for the sweet time I spent with Katie watching over him on the overnight shift.  She is an amazing woman of God as is every lady on our team.  I am still IN AWE that Kari H. stayed with him an extra week to help get the little guy stabilized.  I love and miss you all terribly.  Oh great, now I’m tearing up again.  

    1. Becky, thank you for sharing your heart!!!! Baby Rudy precious life has truly made such a big impact on soooo many people!!!

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