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  1. ahhh….you can’t leave us hanging like that! We must hear part 2!! Praying for your family!!!!

  2. Wow Kari!!  So very excited for you and your family and for all the lives you will touch in Haiti and beyond!!!  I love the story God is telling through you!  Hugs – Karen Wistrom

  3. In sharing your story, you are glorifying our God and exhorting and encouraging those around you! Praying He is mighty through you as you “go” to the uttermost parts!

  4. I cannot wait to hear the rest! My heart is about to pop!!! Excited and a little jealous!!  🙂 Praying for this new adventure our Great GOD has you on!

  5. With tears in my eyes, I bless my precious family as they venture into the unknown, ministering to the helpless!!   Gary Smalley

  6. Praising God that He put the same desires in the heart of both you and Roger! (not a common occurrence in couples)!  Thanks for the picture of obedience, faith and God’s love through you to orphans and widows.  May your family continue to see God show up in BIG ways and may your family be truly blessed for the walk of faith and obedience you are saying “yes” to.

  7. So, so excited for your family, Kari!  What an amazing, life-changing adventure you have ahead of you.  I love the last quote you included.  That’s how we felt when we moved forward in adopting Jonas.  And God did amazing things and grew our faith so much.  We were changed in hard but WONDERFUL ways.  We wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.  I know He has so much in store for you and I am so excited you’re willing to step out in faith to follow Him!  Thanks for sharing your journey!!!

  8. Oh Kari! How exciting!  I can’t wait to read all about your God adventure.  We’re venturing out too…not as far as Haiti or Ethiopia (yet!) right now God has started us down a road that will be filled with adventure. Can hardly wait to see it all unfold. Will be praying for your family during all of your transitions.  BTW am loving using your Simply Love kit…it’s been very helpful w/ our fundraising and everyone loves the shirts!

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