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  1. Kari,
    I met you one Sunday in July at Beza. I was traveling for my court trip to meet my twins. My sister-in-law, Carolyn, was with me, and we were lucky enough to meet Deana and Alan Miller on our flight to ET. We got to worship with them at Beza and meet you! What I didn’t realize was that Wynne Elder (whose blog I read faithfully) was also right there, too. She posted about the service later that day! How very cool! I traveled halfway around the world to meet people that bless me here in the US all the time with their blog posts. Anyway, I wanted you to know that we have now been home for two weeks. The twins are doing great–growing and adjusting very well. Thank you for continuing to relate your stories of ET to your readers. I can’t wait to read the other posts in your challenge.
    Amy Berry

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