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  1. Beautifully put Kiki…not easy and the fears are real, but indeed, we are not in control and living that is a true testament to your genuine faith. Those of us “at home” must do our part of covering you in prayers and also to listen to God’s voice and obey, no matter our desire or fears. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to see Zoe’s hair in those big bows 🙂 xo

  2. My husband and I are moving to Sierra Leone, Africa next year (for at least five years) with our recently adopted, special needs son and our (then) newborn baby. We’ve faced some opposition in this decision, but we stand firm in the knowledge that there is ABSOLUTELY no safer place to raise our kids than within God’s Will.
    Continue following God’s Will and receive His ultimate protection!

  3. Daughter
    My heart is full of praise to God and to your family for the courage and steadfastness that you are demonstrating by your faith and actions!! Love, Dad

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