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  1. I bet you will be obsessively checking those pictures each day- I always am!! 🙂 Looks like she is off to a good start.

  2. Oh how fun! I would love for our kids to be able to go! Julie, Sue's daughter, in ET with Elle right now is going to be a Kanakuk counselor when she gets back from ET in July. 🙂

  3. Kari, thank you for visiting our family in bloggy land 🙂 Thank you also for your sweet comments!! You are more than welcome to list our blog on your site– I confess that I am not a very good blogger… I can be inconsistent, but I do enjoy blogging when I finally sit and take the time!! Thank you most of all for praying for our family during this season of waiting for court and travel!!! So important of a time…. Love, Shari

  4. oh, look at that sweet face…She does remind me of my LLM..She is adorable!! Your big girl is adorable too…:) kj

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