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  1. Sleep issues with attachment. Your advice worked perfectly today and I wrote about you on my blog…Thank you! Why international vs domestic. I get that question all the time. There's my two…

    1. Melodie, it was so much fun to talk to you today. We definitely have "twinkies" and can support each other. I will definitely share sleep issues and attachment. (check in next Tuesday…that's our topic!) You're doing a great job!! Thanks for stopping by my Crazy Blog!

  2. So how about you have your BFF from Kansas come in and talk about adopting older kids *hint, hint*.

    Love you! Call me (-:

    1. Randi, now you're in trouble… yep, that's a great idea. Get ready to be Flipped:) I cant wait for bloggy land to meet you!!! Thanks for being a beautiful advocate for adopting older children!

  3. Email from Anna…

    I would love for you to talk about how to choose a reputable adoption agency – I think this is something this such a buzz in the media and is so important for families to think through. I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject!

    Thanks for all your love and encouragement!

  4. I'd love to do anything I can to support your ministry. My husband and I adopted our daughters 2 1/2 years ago. We adopted from Ukraine and the girls are now 11 and 14. It's been an eye opening journey and we have seen God's hand and His faithfulness so clearly. If you're every interested in hearing about adopting older kids, please let me know! Stop by my blog or drop me an email!

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