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  1. Tina is a special person who listened to God’s voice, her story is very inspirational, may God greatly bless her work. Kari, you too are a special person and have blessed many people in many ways, sharing inspirational stories. You and your family greatly blessed my husband and I when we met you in Ethiopia. May God Bess you.
    Love from Eliza.

  2. Tina is an incredible person lead to an amazing crazy life. I have known Tina for 20 something years and she has always been a kind and compassionate person. She inspires me daily with her faith to continue to put her ‘yes’ out there for God to lead her to greatness! Love you Tina!!

  3. I had the honor of being Tina’s leader on that first Visiting Orphans trip. She stepped on that airplane a terrified, but determined young woman. Every stop on our trip, I could feel her passion for these kids. I saw those connections happen at Noel Orphanage in Rwanda, but I had no idea what God was doing in her heart. I am so proud of Tina for saying “yes”, and doing it afraid. She plans to be in Rwanda for the rest of her life, if God wills it.

    She didn’t mention this in her blog, but she is desperately needing some new monthly supporters. The group that was formerly supplying her funding is no longer able to do so. Please click on the link to her blog and either give a one time gift or monthly support. She is the real deal, and her faith blows me away. Thanks, Kari, for posting, and thank you, Kari’s readers, for helping support Tina!!!

  4. Hello! I am a grad student wonikrg towards my Masters of Library Science degree and taking a knowledge management class this summer. My first major paper was to critically assess an organization’s use of social media and since my husband is a park ranger, he works at Arlington House, part of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, I thought I would review its use of social media, which has only been up and running a few months. I was looking around for the NPS guidelines/best practices policy when I came across your blog and could not believe my good luck! Thank you for the information you are providing here, it was very, very helpful and interesting! The NPS has so much wonderful information to share with the community and I am glad to see it taking social media on more and more.Sincerely,Laura

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