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  1. Saying yes is scary but I’ll be sharing my story soon! Thanks for the examples above. It’s so nice to know that we aren’t alone! Can’t wait to read this book!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these stories. I probably especially needed to read the one about the small everyday yeses – that seems to be where I struggle the most. 🙁

    1. Valerie, thank you so much for your encouragement this week! This was really special to help launch the new book, Rhinestone Jesus! We are ALL in this together! I struggle more with the small yeses more, too!

  3. I recently said yes to adoption after breast cancer. But before that, I had to say YES to God when he asked me to release my fears of recurrence and what-ifs to Him. That was the hardest “yes” I have ever said and looking back I cannot figure out why! Ha!! Oh my, freedom from fear is such a beautiful thing! Even my pre-schooler and first grader can see a difference in my countenance.

    1. Kelly, I’ve never met you in real life… but I hope you know how much your YES means to all of us reading your heart! What a blessing God has healed you from 2 things… cancer & fear! You are doing it afraid… and that’s where He wants us!! If you ever want to share your “whole story” for the readers here, I’d love for you to be a guest. Just let me know:) God is so good!

      1. Kelly, you are the blessed winner today!!!!!!!!!!! Your name was randomly selected and you won!!!! Congratulations and I hope everyone stops back here tomorrow for the 4th book giveaway! You can enter 1x a day! I’m so excited to be able to give away 5 copies this week! I personally bought 4 Rhinestone Jesus books to give them away to my blog readers! You all are a gift to me! And… I love you! xoxo

        1. Yay!!! I am super excited and yes, I am blessed! I would love to share my whole story as a guest any time. I fully believe that God allowed me to have this story in order to bring glory to Him and encourage others along the way.

  4. I said yes to an unknown adventure into unemployment that led me into my passion. I will be teaching first grade in the fall. I never fully trusted that the Lord could use what I saw as a mess and use it to take me on a journey that led me into education!

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