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  1. kari, i love how you love big. i love how you give god everything you have and trust him to use it! you encourage me to LOVE BIG!

  2. Thank you for sharing and moving forward afraid. I love that! I can relate. My husband and our two children were there about a month ago. As a matter of fact, that brave lady that you are hugging is wearing our youth group shirt. 🙂 I love that the front says “Strive” and Phil. 3:13-14 is written on the back. It goes perfectly with everything you wrote here. When we went over there, we could not wait to give our gifts and our supplies, but what they gave us will never fade or wear out! They gave their brave stories. They gave their hearts, raw with emotion. They would push over and share their mat with us. They shared food. They are a picture of the true church…a people who give from their need. I will never forget. And you have captured it all so beautifully!! Thank you for opening your heart with us! I am praying for you today.

  3. Kari, thank you for sharing this story. I am going to use it as a devotional during our Sole Hope Shoe-Cutting Party I am helping to host at my church this Saturday. Faith in action, even when we are afraid.

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