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  1. Glad to see you back. I getting back to mine as well. I would love to go to India – just not sure if I can pull off the finances this year for that one. We may be doing Haiti though and some local things. We adopted to AWAA.

    1. I would LOVE to you to go to India!! You can fundraise for every penny! We have lots of amazing ideas to raise your funds 🙂 Just let me know if you need any help! Thanks so much for saying hi! Haiti is incredible place to serve! Blessings!!

    1. Jayla, I miss you!! You were an amazing team member and will always remember how the kids were a magnet to you! You know HOW to love & serve big! I really think you need to join the Storyteller India team! Praying sister!! Thanks for stopping by friend 🙂

  2. Hey, Kiki! I love this post about our missions trip to Haiti!! Such cute pics 🙂 You made that such an awesome first missions trip for me, and I can’t wait to go back someday 😀 Will be praying for your upcoming missions trip to India…can’t wait to hear all about it! Miss you and talk to you soon 😉

    1. ABBY!!!!! Oh it’s sooooo good to hear from you sweet girl!! You were one of my VERY best team members ever!! Your spunk and age made you a magnet for every child we served! You did amazing sweet girl! Mission trips change my life, but my team also changes me as I watch them help make the world a better place. Love you 🙂

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