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  1. Oh my sweet friend – I cannot believe this happened!!! Didn't your momma tell you to never mess with an elf?! ha! It's good to know you still have your sense of humor. And you are so brave to even post pictures. It hurts just to look at. I am praying for your healing and for that big smile of yours to return again soon. Hang in there! Hugs and love! – Sherry

  2. Bless your heart!! We will continue to pray for your healing and your surgery next Tuesday. You are a brave woman to post those photos! 😀 You will be back to your gorgeous self soon!I know that your Christmas will still be a blessed time with your family!Love you! Susan

  3. Oh my Kari – you are so brave and I love your sense of humor during this awful situation! I can't help but laugh at the same time I am empathizing with your pain! We love you Kari!!! And we are praying for you. Have a wonderful Christmas – blessings, Karen Wistrom

  4. i am so sorry, but i could not help but bust out laughing when i read the title of your post!! i'm sure you will never hear that song again without thinking of Zoie's eventful first christmas home! at least you can still eat pie!

  5. Sweet Kari! Those elves are AWFUL creatures ;0)Praying for your dear soul and face during this holiday season! Kim

  6. Awwww … I LOVE that you can have humor about this! Will be praying for quick recovery and for the work on Tuesday! So greatful you weren't hurt more than you were :)Blessings on the holiday season and enjoy being spoiled for a while – I'm sure that part is well deserved!Peace,JC

  7. I still – after an entire day of thinking about it – can't believe this happened to you. And you sound so positive and even funny about it! You are quite a trooper.Praying for you and the surgery.Cindy

  8. Kari,I can't believe what some people will do just to get extra blog comments!!LOL You know I am only kidding. I will pray for a smooth recovery and quick healing. Even when you are so injured you are still a bright shining light! Love, Theresa

  9. Oh, Kari, we will definitely lift you up in our prayers. Truly, you don't look as bad as I imagined you would after that fall! Keep us posted on your progress.Praying for a quick recovery!Erica R.

  10. Ouch!! Kari, that sounds so painful! I'll be praying for you to recover quickly and for the surgery to go well. Tisha

  11. Awww Kari… Thank you so much for posting pictures. I really expected much worse. God was truly watching out for you. I will be praying for you on Tuesday. Hang in there and enjoy the extra assistance. Give my love to your family and have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!!

  12. oh my goodness! I really didn't know the extent of what happened until reading this just now. WOW…how scary. If there is ANYTHING i can do to help please let me know. If tate goes from being sweet and protective to crazy and energetic just let me know and i'll swing by and grab for for a bit. Hope you feel good SOON!!!

  13. My friend, my friend – I love you and your poofy face. I hope I can see it for myself this week – we are in branson right this minute!!! Call me when you can!

  14. Kari, I heard about your accident when we were in Addis but haven't been cruising the web much since we got home. I am stunned by your photos!! I am glad to hear reports that you're recovering. So sorry about your injury but glad you're hanging tough!

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