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    1. I am thankful for all freelance design work I've been getting and the chance to someday be a stay at home mom and work from home doing design.

      p.s. and i'm thankful for tate!

      -love, heidi

  1. So grateful to serve a God who is faithful in all He calls us to do…..He was faithful thru adoption #1, and we are trusting that He will be faithful through #2 as well!! I'm sure HE will!

  2. "It'sPoppy Dip", everything is good with God. God is good. All the time. He is good. He called us to help with Celebrate Hope, to raise $100, 000 to build the first children's home (orphanage) on Project Canaan, in Swaziland, Africa. He called, we responded in faith, He is providing the team, and the resources to make this dream come true. Set goals that are destined to fail with out His divine intervention. Check it out

  3. This contest reminds me of one of my favorite songs that goes, "Thank you for loving and setting me free! Thank you for giving your life just for me! Oh, I thank you, my Jesus I thank you!" This is what I'm most thankful for this morning. Thanks, Kari for this contest and putting this song in my head 🙂


  4. I am thankful for a strong body that is able to work to burn the extra calories that I have eaten. 🙂 Not everybody can.

    ~Susan ~just home from the gym

  5. I’m happy that I was able to help out my best friend of 15 years by stepping in as an emergency babysitter when her sitter quit without notice. The military randomly moved me to the city where she lives earlier this year and it’s been fabulous to reconnect.

  6. I’m entering for my dear friend who is graciously playing with Dosen while I work a couple of hours this morning. She has 3 boys and only one little poppy dip-olicious girl. What better way to say thank you??

  7. I am grateful for the comfort and hope that God has given our family, especially during the trials we went through last year. His hope is getting us excited about all the wonderful things we are looking forward to in 2010 – like starting the process for an Ethiopian adoption.

  8. I am so thankful for my family. I am so thankful that God called us to adoption and all that we are involved with in Ethiopia right now. This dress would be perfect for our soon to be daughter.

  9. I'm thankful for the nannies taking care of our 8 month old daughter while she is waiting for us to pick her up in Ethiopia soon!

  10. I am so thankful that the Lord is in control of all the details of our adoption journey to bring our 2nd daughter home. I am thankful that I can rest in Him, knowing that she is in God's care!

  11. I am thankful for temperatures no longer in the negatives! It hit 16 degrees today and it was wonderful! 🙂

  12. I am so sore this morning from a workout.. so I am thankful for my health and this body God has created . That I can move… Walk,run , go sledding w/ my kids……

  13. I am grateful God protected us in Rwanda and Kenya, and I am grateful it took so long to get our son's visa- I am even GREATFUL we missed Christmas at home due to visa delays- because now we have our son safely home from Rwanda and if we HAD got on the flight we were praying for, it would have been the flight from amsterdam to detriot Christmas day with the Bomb. God's timing is perfect. I am GRATEFUL for the delay.

  14. I am soooo very grateful that I will be traveling to Ethiopia to pick up my son, Samuel, next week!!! Samuel (4) will be joining his brother Josiah (2) who is also from Ethiopia, and sisters Min Min (7) from China, and two home grown sisters, Avery (12) and Hannah (15). I thank God for our family who is growing leaps and bounds!

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