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  1. Happy Birthday Beautiful Zoie!! As you thrive under your parents' love, may you grow to know that love of your Savior Jesus Christ and discover the amazing plans that he has for your life!

  2. Happy Birthday Beautiful Ethiopian Joy! You have brought such blessing and happiness to many more than you know! May you continue to grow in the light of you Father and family's love.Thank you for your smiles and sweetness!The Kulp Family

  3. Happy Birthday, Zoie! You are such a blessing to your very extended family! May you grow up loving God and serving Him! Love to you all! Susan

  4. Happy birthday, Zoie! May you know the riches of God's love as you now know the riches of your family's love!!Melissa Juvinall

  5. Happy Birthday Zoie!! We are so privileged to know your family and to witness the love that they have for you! You are loved soooo much sweet girl!!Love,Aunti Mel & Myliah "Frehiwot"

  6. Happy Birthday, Zoie. We'll meet you someday. I'll always remember seeing your beautiful face in my Adoptive Families magazine and bursting into tears in the car because you were so beautiful and I couldn't wait to go and get my son. You and your family are truly blessed.Stephanie and Marc Hall

  7. Happy Birthday Beautiful Princess Zoie!!!! May you always feel loved as I'm sure you will today.. on your special day.. and everyday!!! Have a wonderfull fun time with your beautiful family.. God has blessed you, and has blessed the Gibson family with your presence…

  8. Bless you sweet Zoie! I hope you know how diligently you were pursued with love, both by your earthly parents and your heavenly father! Looking at your pictures gives me hope for my sweet Ethiopian princess…have a very happy birthday!!!!!!

  9. Dear sweet Zoie Senait, what a precious joy you are and what a beautiful smile God has blessed you with. We have painted this verse above our daughter's bed as a constant blessing for her and I pray it for you today as well on your special day. May you always know His hand over your life!"The Lord is with you, He is mighty to save. He takes great delight in you and quiets you with His love. He rejoices over you with singing." Zeph. 3:17Blessings,Jean CarpenterDTE 080808

  10. Happy 1st birthday precious girl! You are such a blessing to everyone who knows you. May you grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  11. Happy Birthday, Zoie! I can't believe you are one!! We met right after your family saw your pictures for the first time, we were in Ethiopia and got to take pictures for them. We pray that you grow into a strong Christian woman devoted to Christ!much love,The Harbaughs

  12. Happy Birthday Zoie!!!You are 1 today! Bet your family can hardly remember a time without you in it. May this next year bring you all even more joy as you watch Zoie grow. Zoie – we pray that one day you fully understand how intensely you are loved by your family and Jesus. May you grow to know Him and make Him known with your life. May you walk with Him daily and depend on Him completely. You are very SPECIAL!LoveThe Tugwell Family

  13. Oh my What can we sayBut Hip Hip HorayBaby Zoie celebrates birthday number one.And life in America is so much fun.With Family and Friends to shower you with loveBecause you are such a gift from our Father above.We know that it won't be long and you'll soon be 2.We look forward to that but for now Mommy,Daddy and sister and brother say we love you.Happy Birthday…Zoie

  14. Happy birthday, Princess Zoie! Your life and adoption journey have touched the hearts of people across the world. You and your family have inspired and encouraged so many of us who are waiting for our own children from Ethiopia. We enjoy watching you grow-up and marvel at how quickly you have grown! You are truly a blessing from God!Happy Birthday,Erica R.

  15. I am a few days late to post..but we were thinking of you Zoie on your birthday and wishing you a wonderful day and year of life! We are so glad that God created you and gave you life! We have never seen a baby with such love and life in her eyes! You are so special! You and your family have blessed us with your love and zest for life and we know God is going to use you to be blessing to others! We pray you will continue to grow in love and grace and flourish in the joy of your family! Steve & Anna

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