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  1. What a fun story! We were Lost for a long time but last year we stopped watching. Not sure why. You just made want to head to the video store so I can get caught up. 🙂 You are going to have to prove that whole John Locke thing!!! LOL

  2. What an incredible story! I do not know LOST, having never seen it but maybe when we move back to the States, we might get into that!

    I can't wait to see the picture!!

  3. Yay!! You told me that story a couple years ago, but I hadn't seen the pic. SO FUN!!!! I wanna meet John Locke, too!!!

    SO, you MUST call me as soon as you watch LOST! I have to run my new theories by you and see what you think. Megin is really into Lost now, too (we went back to our DVR and watched all of last season again – it was fun to re-watch and see things I missed the first time).

    I will see you in one week!!!

  4. Holy Cow!!!! And you've waited this long to share that little gem of a story!!??!!

    Now I can say, "I've met John Locke!"…sorta. You see, I know this girl, who blogs, who went on a trip, who climbed a tree, who went for coffee, who ran to the store…… 😉 lol How awesome! ♥

  5. Love it!! We were crazy fans but didn't watch last season because we were getting ready to travel to Ethiopia and I didn't want the flashbacks of the plane crash fresh on my boys' minds (or mine :)) so we've got to catch up! Love the pic!

  6. Crazy! I'm so jealous! Hubby and I love LOST, but not having any free tv stations where we live (tiny town in the mountains of Alaska), we wait until we can rent the whole season…which by that point we've forgotten what happened the season before, and so on. So, we decided to just wait till the final season is over, & watch it all from start to finish! Not sure how we'll manage that AND get any sleep, but we were watching a whole season in two nights, so MAYBE we can pace ourselves over the course of a month. We'll see. Thanks for your fun story and picture to prove it!

  7. That is a great story! We love LOST too. We watch it online one day late, so I have to be careful to avoid certain friends until we have caught up each week. Russ and I consider it a standing date!


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