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  1. So cute! And I find it hilarious that she loves the dog food and his water…cuz Sakari did the SAME thing!!!! We've had to pick pieces of dog food out of her teeth before – gross! But after several "times of correction", I'm happy to report this is no longer an issue 🙂

  2. Oh! Oh! Oh! Soooo cute!!!!!Congratulations!!!!!This morning I had to laugh…this is what happened…You know it's your fourth child when they make their first mess and you run for the camera to document it, laughing all the way! I walked into the family room where E. was in his walker and he was sitting happily next to a big plant pulling dirt out of it and dumping it on the walker and floor!!! LOLOLOLThankfully he hadn't eaten any before I got to him!Anyway! Love you guys! ZoZo is amazing!Love,Cali

  3. YEAH!! Thanks for posting this picture of our little BFF's! I can't believe it has already been 7 months…….wow. I will cry the next time I get to see Zoie in person, just like the first time I saw her.Much love!Auntie Rae Rae

  4. Yikes a few days late on this one, but Happy 7 months home sweet Zoie:) Time flies huh Kari!? Thanks for still Rockin the support for all the ET families, I will foever be greatful for words of wisdom you shared w/me!Lots of loveSam,Ana & Josiah Nunez

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