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  1. My poppy dip moment of late was seeing my boys run madly toward the van carrying their dad home from a loooonnnngg trip. Okay, I know I don't have girls, but we are totally surrounded by girls in our lives. We'd love to bless them with one of these adorable creations! Just didn't want you to think I was considering playing dress up.

  2. The smile on my daughter's face when she got her first trophy after her last softball game yesterday!

  3. Great News that came back about my Mom(whom I LOVE SO MUCH) from the doc yesterday about her test results!!!

  4. Being reminded this morning of how blessed I am to have 2 beautiful children here on Earth with me.

  5. When our new daughter takes her big brother's hand when he is afraid and says,"Don't be afraid,brother. Jesus can do anything!"xoxo, Heather

  6. the boys chasing their new sister around the house, and her running up to me saying "buthers" and laughing like crazy!

  7. realizing that yesterday was our one month anniversary with Grace. She's been ours four 4 whole weeks – gain 3 pounds, learned to bear weight on her legs, roll over and sit up!

  8. My poppy dip day was going to Wal Mart with all three kids and waiting for almost 2 hours for the tires to get rotated and oil change and the kids were SUPER!!!!

  9. My poppy dip moment(s) is when I say "I love you" to my 2 year-old, he now responds, "I love you too, Mommy…" It makes my heart melt every time….

  10. Waking up for the second night in a row to our precious baby boy who slept through the night and was babbling happily to his stuffed animals in the monitor at 6am – oh blessed sleep!

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