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  1. Not got a Target Baby yet because we don't have it here in the UK!!! BUT…. that is soon to change because I absolutely LOVE Target and always stock up when we visit!! Soon we'll be living and shopping there whenever we need to!!

    BTW we drink the same coffee!!!!

    Looking forward to meeting you Kari!!!

  2. Back again, I was wondering about your second adoption and if you have shared more details on the blog which I have missed. I'd love to know how far in the process you are!! Are you adopting girl again or boy? Young or older?

    It would be great to know to pray for you specifically!

  3. Yep! Almost every Tuesday or Wednesday, my 3 year old and I head to Target! We have Walmart too, but I would much rather go to Target! My very first job was as a cashier at that Target. Ha! Then, we always drive thru Starbucks on the way home. Our Target has a Starbucks now too, but I like to get mine on the way home and relax and drink it after I get my groceries put up!

    I love that picture of Zoie with your Starbucks 🙂

  4. I have a beauty shop baby! My sister is a hair dresser and every Tuesday and Thursday my 2 year old daughter and I drop my 5 year old son off at preschool and head over for our "standing appointments"! She loves all the old women that come in and we both get our hair done and nails painted twice a week…it's great!

  5. I went to Target after I left your house today. Bought myself a Tiffany blue (almost) shirt to layer with my new SL shirt. I love it and will be sporting it a lot! Love you friend.

  6. We don't have babies anymore, but when they were younger, we had Barnes and Noble babies. =D The other mommies and I would take the kiddos to the children's section in Barnes and Noble, drink our coffee, and let them play with the train table and the various books available for their perusing pleasure. SUCH good mommy time! And it didn't hurt that Old Navy was just next door. LOL

  7. Sounds like a fun morning!

    Zoie is getting so big! I remember how tiny she was when you brought her home.

    Praying for you and your family on your journey to adopt again.

    Hugs and prayers,


  8. I am LOVING reading about Zoie in your blog! My husband and I just started our adoption journey and are so excited. Your daughter is beautiful!

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