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  1. Hi My name is Lena, My husband and I have decided to take the road of adoption after experiencing many losses with trying to conceive. We feel that this is direction God wants us to go- and we are eagerly awaiting the day we can hold our miracle in our arms.

    In order to make our dream come true we started "premades for a purpose". The main purpose of this site is to fund-raise for our adoption- through the sales of my premade blogger templates. I really appreciate your support. However you can give- either prayerfully or financially it is greatly appreciated and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

    Please go to to check it out!

  2. Hello! My name is Candace, and my husband Josh and I have wanted to adopt for quite some time and decided to pursue it after experiencing two miscarriages last year. We have one three-year old son at home, Cole, and we can't wait to bring home a sibling for him from Ethiopia someday!

    We are both graphic designers, so we decided to open up an online store selling art prints to raise money for our adoption. All four of the prints are designed and/or photographed by me and sized at 8×10 for easy framing. The prints with the white borders were created on mixed medium – acrylics on wood and/or canvas and digital imaging. The fourth print is a photo of flowering buds on a tree that we had just planted in our backyard last year. We're excited to share some of our artwork with all of you, and 100% of the profits will go entirely to our adoption expenses.

    Check out our "Prints for adoption" site at…. Thank you!

  3. is where we support the cause of the orphan in 3 ways – supporting a ministry to orphans in tanzania, helping out financially families who are adopting….and using the remainder to hopefully fulfill our dream of adopting. that part is not public on the site because of some personal family things we are wrestling with….but that's the purpose & the plan. Also, you can email me with orders & the shipping is probably a little less…i'm still figuring out this paypal thing :). Thanks so much!

  4. My husband and I are adopting from Ethiopia with AGCI! We are just starting with our paperwork and homestudy now! We have had some great success w/ fundraiser rummage sales and a fun Chick-fil-A night!

    We are selling t-shirts w/ the continent of Africa on the front and the verse from John 14:18 on the back that says, "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." They are chocolate, sapphire, and kelly green and available for adults and youth.

    Thanks Kristy for sharing this!

  5. My husband and I can't WAIT to bring home our twin 6 year old sons from Ethiopia in May (hopefully)! In order to save for our travel expenses we created and are selling cookbooks! They are a compilation of all of our friends and family's favorite recipes…44 pages of them! We are taking donations for them, because we believe everyone can sacrifice different monetary amounts, and don't want anyone to miss out on these awesome books. You can visit my blog and on the top right hand corner there will be a spot telling you how you can order the books!

    Thanks to Kristy for allowing us all to share our fun goods and stories here!

  6. Hi Everyone!

    My name is Stacy! I have had a heart for adoption/orphans for along time! It is a passion that my heart just burns for! I am currently working on my homestudy paperwork and have a heart for adopting from Ethiopia! I am doing a tshirt fundraiser if anyone is interested! My tshirt blog is . My regular blog is . I wish all of you the very best and many blessing on your adoption journeys as well! Thank you Kari for doing this shout out post! I have one of your simply love t's and it is my FAVE!!!!!!!! Blessings to all!

    Sincerely Stacy

  7. We are adopting a little boy from Sierra Leone, West Africa. I travel in May on a missions trip and will get to meet our little boy and spend 10 days enjoying him. We are currently fundraising and are helping lead an adoption/travel awareness group check out the group's website at and our personal blog at

    We currently have 2 fundraisers in place, one is tomorrow night at Ozark Mountain Gymnastics in Springfield, MO for children ages 2 and up. A parents night out, each child is $15. The 2nd fundraiser is the "163 formal affair" on April 24th at 6pm. The 163 represents the 163 million orphans worldwide. There will be food, comedy, auctions and more. Please email me at if you are interested in atttending.

    Kari, thanks for the shout out time! 🙂

  8. RUNNING FOR ONE MORE is a division of Room for One More. We are a group of people dedicated to using our gifts to help orphans find their forever homes. One of these gifts is running. Room for One More founders and friends will be running in the Nashville Country Music 1/2 Marathon April 24.

    Our goal in participating in this marathon is to bring more children home to their forever families. By collecting sponsorships, selling t-shirts, and word of mouth, Running for One More seeks to help families with the financial burden of adoption.

    Please join us as we "run for one more"! One more orphan can come home to their forever family because you stood up to make a difference.

    There are more ways to get involved with Running for One More than just by running. From cheering us on to simply spreading the word, we appreciate what you are doing!

    Here are some ways to get involved:

    1. Run with us!

    2. Come to the event!

    3. Purchase a Running for One More T-shirt! 4. Become a sponsor!

    5. Spread the word!


    go to to find out more

    or check out the Running for One More blog:

    1. Im so excited to have this awesome collection of adoption FUNdraisers all in one spot. We are all in this together!! If you want to help bring home a child and support adoption- please take time to visit ALL these projects and make a difference.

  9. We are adopting a precious little boy from Ethiopia! I have a monogramming business and I am selling monogrammed beach towels as a FUNdraiser! Come on over and check them out…
    There's a link on my blog!

    Think birthday gifts, Easter gifts, etc..

    Thanks Kari! You rock like crazy!

  10. My hubby and I are adopting two precious kiddos from Ethiopia, a 9 yr. old girl and a 6 yr. old boy. Working our tails off to raise the funds! We've been selling unique, handmade tees. You can pick your color and style. Come visit and check them out!

    And I am LOVING getting to check out everybody else's fundraisers. I'm starting my Christmas shopping early this year! I love this stuff!

  11. I love your Shout Out Post! What a great idea! I wish that we had a great fundraiser idea. The only thing we have is prayer. Each time I intercede I see the funds come in. We are so close to being referred (our situation is unique with DFW) when we recently got news of new changes with the Ethiopian government and the extra trip that needs to be made. I am trusting that God's timing is perfect when our adoption will be complete. So I hope I come up with some fundraiser ideas real soon!








    KIDS ARE $15


    Here is our blog with the info:

    or on etsy:


    Adam and Amber Stutzman

  13. HI!!! My name is Kristin, my husband is Cory. We have a two year old biological daughter and feel that God has called us to adopt! We are selling shirts on our blog to raise the funds for our domestic adoption with Covenant Care. We have two different shirt designs. (one kinda girly and one more manly). Check them out! Thanks so much! God Bless and Much Love! Kristin

    1. Ok my crazy bloggy friends… I want to help you sell your T shirts and be your personal billboard in Haiti!! If you send me your T before April 10th I will take a pic and link it back to your blog… also will wear them exclusively on my trip to Haiti distributing 170,000 meals and formula!!! I want to help you with your adoption fundraisers and spread the love in style!!

      Email me if you want to send my YOUR crazy adoption/orphan ministry T shirts.


  14. We are the Smalley's and we are in the process of bringing Annie (21/2yrs old) from China. We are so excited about the tshirts our dear friend designed for us to sell as a fundraiser. We have both a men's and a women's design. We are so excited to bring our little girl home! Check out our shirts at:

    1. CHINA FAMILIES…. this is the coolest T shirt and it helps bring home my niece Annie from China soon:)) We are soooo excited to meet her. Check out my SIL's blog and get your one of a kind T shirt. I'm sooo proud of my family 4 jumping into the FUNraising craziness!! whooohoooo

  15. Kari, Thank you so much for the opportunity to advertise our adoption fund raiser here.

    My husband and I have been married for 24 years and we have a bio 20 year old and a forever 14 year old who is with Jesus. When our son died, we knew we had a lot of parenting years left in us, so we decided to look into older child adoption.

    The Lord led us to sibling girls in India who have been in our home for two years. The girls are now 11 and 7. We are also in the process of adopting a five year old special needs boy in India.

    Two adoptions in two years is a bit hard on the bank balance and so we are working on several ways to raise money.

    One of those is something I make called a "Family Bracelet" – you can find all the information here:

    If you come and check out my blog, you will see several links to different fund raisers we are doing.

    We really appreciate your interest! Thanks.

  16. We are a family of 6 -so far. We have four great biological children, and we feel the Lord is calling us to adopt two more. We are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia.

    We have some really cool adoption T-shirts that were designed exclusively for us by "Southern Belle". (Awsomely cute!) We also have some more "manly" shirts designed by ME. All shirts say, "My favorite book says we're all adopted." They're great for ANYONE who supports adoption – domestic, international, infant, older, special needs, any country. Kids and adult sizes available on our blog:

    We're also doing the JustLoveCoffee sales and an upcoming "Chick-fil-A" fundraiser, but so far, our T-shirts have been our best fundraiser. Please check them out!

    (Thanks, Kari, for letting us share on your amazing site!)

  17. Hi there! I just came across your blog through a search I did on fundraisers, and you popped up! 😉 Anyway, we are in the process of putting together a VERY 'last minute' fundraiser to help bring home our daughter, Khloe, from China. Here's the link to the fundraiser sight:
    It should be up and running in a couple of days at most.

    Anyway, my real reason for commenting though, is that as I perused through your old blog posts, I noticed a photo of Annie and who I think might be Jesse, from NewDayFosterHome! That's where our daughter is at, too. And I think I also seen that she is your NIECE?! Seriously? What a small world!! I have been hoping to get in touch with Annie's new family, as she and Khloe are roommates and friends, and would love to stay in touch as they grow! Please pass along my email address and blog to her family. I was SO excited to see them matched with her…we love Annie!!

    Blessings and hugs,


  18. Hello!

    Wow! What a wonderful opportunity for us all to share our fundraisers!

    My name is Alli and my husband Jamie and I have been married for 6 years. We have two "home grown" daughters ages 5, and 3 as well as one 16 year old by adoption. We are now working on "just one more" from Ethiopia!! We are selling our custom made T-shirts on our blog as well as selling coffee through "Just Love Coffee"! Please take a look at our shirts and let me know what you think! I would love to "meet" some of you on the blog! Thanks for looking!


  19. Thank you for this opportunity to share our adoption blog with everyone!

    My family is adopting 2 sweet baby girls who have Down syndrome from Ukraine.

    We've got multiple fundraisers on our blog: handmade jewelry and home decorations by two friends through their Etsy stores, Scentsy wickless candles, Gurrlie Girl Christian jewelry & apparel, coffee from Just Love Coffee, popcorn from The Big Popper, quilts that my 3 daughters are making for their new sisters (people can sponsor a square for $5 or get their name hand-stitched onto a square for $15), and a puzzle fundraiser (people can "buy" a puzzle piece for a donation of just $1 and have their name written on the back… the framed puzzle will hang in our girls' room as a forever reminder of the up-to-500 people who helped to bring them home).

    We're doing local fundraisers, too, such as a 1-day event where multiple salons will offer haircuts for a minimum donation of $10 & proceeds will go to our adoption fund.

    Since our adoption is an independent one (we found our girls through Reece's Rainbow, a non-profit organization that facilitates the adoption of orphans with special needs from eastern Europe), we don't qualify for adoption grants, but we are applying for an interest-free loan to cover part of the remaining $28,700 we need before we get our travel date to Ukraine (we're anticipating that to be at the end of June).

  20. I wanted to post this on here in case anyone is like me, and looking for ways to raise money for your adoption 🙂 Another fun fundraising offer…My name is Kelly Mentock, me and my husband are

    in the process of trying to adopt a beautiful 3 year old little girl with Cerebral Palsy. I became a Fantasia Romance Consultant to help raise funds for our adoption. I thought I would offer to do a fundraiser for anyone needing to raise money for their adoption fund. It's so easy…just fill out the form online and start your fundraiser immediately. Just send

    the web address to your friends and family, when they place an order, have them put your name in the comments section. You earn 20% of all orders (before tax and shipping) for your adoption fund, plus all of the normal hostess gifts. You can either have an online book party, or I can send you a book and order forms,or both…just let me know.

    Just go to to get started NOW. If you have any questions,

    please just ask.

  21. Hi! My name is Nicole. Our family is in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. We are waiting for an infant boy or girl or a sibling group. Whatever God has planned for us, we are ready for.

    Thank you for this opportunity to advertise our fundraising items. We are selling adoption rocks t-shirts, coffee, and I am starting to make Marvelous Microave Potato Bags and burp rags.

  22. Hi! My name is Nicole. Our family is in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. We are waiting for an infant boy or girl or a sibling group. Whatever God has planned for us, we are ready for. Thank you for this opportunity to advertise our fundraising items. We are selling adoption rocks t-shirts, coffee, and I am starting to make Marvelous Microave Potato Bags and burp rags.

  23. Kari – You rock! Thanks for giving us a place to share our fundraisers! My husband and I are adopting a child under 18 months – boy or girls – from Ethiopia. We are super excited and to help raise the costs Marcus has designed t-shirts to sell. They have a cool graphic in the bottom with a tree that says "Roots in Africa", it also says I heart (with a heart) adoption. Check them out at they are $20 and come in women fitted or a men's/unisex fit. Thanks so much and excited to hear all of the creative ideas for fundraising God has blessed adopting families with, how cool!

  24. Pingback: ehliyet
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  26. Hi! I have opened up an etsy store to raise money to bring our daughter home from China. If you see this – please visit my store/spread the word: Dream Garden Art – thanks in advance either way. Many Blessings to you all.

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