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  1. THANK YOU for supporting orphans with this incredible food… I received a TON of bloggy emails about this post and the delicious meats. This is what its all about… coming up with creative ideas to help orphans. We are NOT all called to adopt, but we are ALL CALLED TO HELP ORPHANS!! We are all in this together:)

  2. Hi ..I came across your website. I love it. Our family does feel called to adopt sometime in the future, specifically from India where my husband is from. We have an orphan outreach there as well. I have a question which I hope you can answer…I want to create t-shirt to raise funds for our orphan kids back in India. Your look amazing! I am kind of clueless about it all…not sure where to start. Is there a website where we can create a design?

    Blessings upon you and your family as you move forward in the adoption process.

    Colleen Maamidi

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