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  1. Kari,

    I can't answer the question for you, but it brought to mind the section of "Wild Goose Chase" where he talked about how so many times we as Christians are waiting on God to lead us, when sometime He is waiting on us to take that first step to show Him we trust him. That first step is always the hardest and usually seems CRAZY ( I know this first hand! 😉 )but if we trust God, we have to trust Him by acting- not just by thinking. Remember, it is God who gives us our passions and pure desires. Praying for ya sister- and CANNOT WAIT to meet you in person in July.

    1. Carrie, thank you so much for your encouragement! Its been a thick topic with hubby and I completely understand how he is feeling. There are a few financial changes coming soon that I couldn't mention at this time, so we want to be faithful and trusting… also responsible, you know. I printed off our dossier yesterday and praying fervently that God will pave our way! Please pray for us… cant wait to meet you & give you a big crazy hug in July:)


  2. If any of you lacks wisdom,let him ask God,who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

    James 1:5

    Kari – it's difficult sometimes to determine which way to go and when. Press into Him who holds the key to wisdom and your path will be made straight. Fast and Pray and your answer will be clear to you 🙂

    Love ya friend!!!!

  3. coming out of lurkdom here….

    we are finally starting our first adoption…but God started opening doors (and our eyes) about 18 months ago. "life" got in the way, and through prayer, and even in the midst of my frustration, we felt that still small voice telling us to 'just trust Me'. we felt peace in not jumping in so soon, despite it not being what i really wanted to do. at all.

    so now, as we're experiencing some other roadblocks (in our eyes,) we're hearing Him say 'it's time…trust Me.' i fully believe that He will guide our steps, even though i admit to even being afraid now that His time is right…when it doesn't seem like it's right in our own eyes. i really believe He wants us to take that first step (sort of like what Carrie was talking about above…)

    thanks for sharing your heart. i know God meant for me to read this TODAY, as we were just slapped with another 'bump' in the road. thank you SO much.


  4. Your comments all mean so much to me… I really need to hear from my adoption sisters right now! We are asking Him for guidance and His timing, but I need to be joyful with His purpose, especially during the "dry" periods. Its so hard to understand why our home has not sold or why things are changing to make this next process so hard. I will keep moving forward, but also willing to slow down, too. He is faithful… thank you for helping me focus on that today! Your comments made me *sniff* THANK YOU!

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