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  1. Hi Kari

    Thanks for your post about Haiti! Keep speaking up for these children! You are right – Haiti is our neighbor…we can make a difference. I see the faces of my children in your pictures…what a huge blessing to be their Mom!

    To those who may be considering adoption from Haiti or elsewhere….I pray you look intently at the faces of the children and dare to imagine your life as their Momma or Father. Consider – do you have room for 1 more? Just a little more time, one more bed in your home for one of these? What are you waiting for? God has promised His Provision when we step out in Faith!

    Run your Race!

    I love HAITI!

    Thanks for going Kari.


  2. Well done big Sis! Powerful photos of the kids and what an opportunity to love on the orphans =] I can't believe what a champion you've become for adoption and these kids! You know I've been traveling the world for years meeting children in India, Africa, South America and beyond. There is so much we can do if we just take a step of faith and act on our heart.

  3. sister what an amazing video and what a story it tells of loving crazy !!! We should all love more because isn't that really why we are here !!! love ya and so glad God has connected us …

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