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  1. Did you pierce your nose or lip??? Because that is the EXACT look I got from every elderly family member when I did!!

  2. I'm sorry, daughter, but now that you know that we are actually deep undercover spies, we are going to have to….give you a noogie.

  3. Well, it looks like you just held up a sign telling them something CRAZY exciting.. well, crazy exciting to you… but CRAZY insane to them! looks like your mom is givine you the 'YOU'RE DOING WHAT?' look, but your dad is still trying to read the sign.. maybe get out his glasses or something… he looks confused! 🙂

  4. I know these two or at least they look familiar. It seems they both look like parents of kids at a Kamp I directed years ago. They would peek into the dining hall with this same look. Kind of paranoid don't you think?

  5. I swear this post just cracked me up… my mom emailed me to say- I'm gonna kill you:))) heeh heee OK, I'll spill the beans. We were all at the park, Silver Dollar City and it was blazing hot (Ozark heat) The kids were melting, but asked them to stay for one more ride. I clicked their expression and it was priceless. LOL

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