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  1. I'd love to win a copy of the book (and try the coffee as well). The coffee is for me…and after I finish reading the book, plan on passing it on to continue to raise awareness about human trafficking!

    1. Just wanted to say that this book is close to my heart. I spent a month in Russia and fell in love with the culture, especially the people. They have faced so much adversity! Praise God that people like you are willing to take a stand to help stop these atrocities!

  2. I heard Tom speak at the Orphan Care conference in Minnesota, and his work and books sound amazing. I would love to read this newest one!

  3. Posted to FB. I've heard wonderful things about this book and would love to read it. My sister blogged about it and the author actually contacted her! 🙂

  4. I'm posting on my facebook page and on my blog site… is because of Tom that I have become aware of this 'hidden-in-the-open' evil and am looking forward to doing my part in making a difference in the lives of these orphans first hand in a few years!


  5. I'd love to win one of these books.. So i can read it, share my heart, and pass it along to someone else!

  6. I put it on Facebook and my blog. I will also be sending out an e-mail to my e-mail update group about it. I haven't gotten to read this book yet, but I SO want to. Pick me, pick me! 🙂

  7. I REALLY want to read this book. I have been reading Tom's blog and I am very interested in the subject of human trafficking. I want to know more so I can do something to help stop it!

    Please enter me in this giveaway.


  8. I just posted this to my facebook page. I'm looking forward to reading this book. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  9. I posted this on my Facebook page. "Fields of the Fatherless" helped inspire us to adopt, and I recently read "Scared". Thanks, Kari, for promoting Tom Davis' awesome books! I can't wait to read "Priceless!"

  10. I retweeted Tom Davis' announcement of your giveaway and have the "Stop the Secret:Support Moldova" badge on my blog. Also posted a link to yours for the giveaway. Think that's enough? 🙂

  11. Posting on FB. Just returned from my 5th trip to Russia. Have heard from my team leader that this book is excellent and would love to win a copy. Can't begin to imagine where my son and daughter, adopted 3 years ago from Rostov-on-Don, Russia, could have ended up. Such a joy and blessing to have them with us.

  12. copy and pasted to my fb page. i read a little and am committing to praying for these girls.

  13. I shared about Priceless on FB.

    I don't have a functioning blog, but I would love to read Tom Davis' new book! Scared had such an impact on me, especially after doing ministry in Swaziland, that I shared it with everyone who would read it. I am sure Priceless would open my eyes to a crisis I know very little about.

    May God use you to continue to bless others!

    ~Suzanne (

  14. I'd love to win this book for my daughter. She's so protected and so loved, this book would really open up her eyes to the dark and real world out there. Sex trafficking is horrendous and I really admire and respect Tom Davis for the remarkable job he's doing, God Bless Him!

    Tom Davis + Coffee = PRICELESS!

  15. This subject is dear to my heart as are the Russian orphans. As the mother to 4 Russian children I know the future that awaited them if they would have aged out of the orphanage. I have been reading Tom's books and this is the only one I do not have. Met him at a conference in GSO. Recently returned from a mission trip to Russia to work with the orphans.

  16. Hi, I would like to win! 8 kids, two by adoption last year, and almost nine months of unemployment at the same time…well, buying books is low on the priority list for our family. Plus, our coffee from Ethiopia is just about to run out 🙂 Won't be going back there for a VERY long time, so I wouldn't mind winning some from you.

  17. I posted the links on FB!!! I have already read Priceless and this book is absolutely amazing!!! It is just as good as its predesscessor, Scared! At times I felt anger toward the injustice described in the book, but ultimately Priceless challenged me!!! The book is now circulating through my friends and family. GOD BLESS!!! 🙂

  18. Hi! I just posted this giveaway on FB! I hope to win a copy of Tom's new book. I bought 5 copies of his book "Fields of the Fatherless" which was so inspiring to me and opened my eyes to a world that I never had thought much about. I felt I had to share it with everyone! Looking forward to reading his new book while sipping on some freshly brewed "coffee with a purpose"!

  19. Love the shirt that says Man UP and has the picture of Africa. Going to buy it now.

    If you would like to do a guestpost on my blog. I would love for you to. We have a heart for South Africa and I've been trying to highlight some of the issues during this World Cup timeframe.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway and loving on those who need it most.

  20. Sorry no website, but I have been spreading the word. I gave away 10 "Red Letters" books and have plans to buy more and give those away. In each book is a note asking them to read and pass it on to someone else. Just read "Fields of the Fatherless" and am even more convicted that I need to put more effort into this. I'm one step away from supporting a child through HopeChest – I already support a child through another agency. If I wasn't over 50, I'd be adopting as many kids as I could. I'm so thankful that I randomly picked up Tom's Red Letters in my Bible bookstore and read it. I can't believe how complacent I was. I hope to make it to Africa or Russia some day. Thanks for helping keep us aware.

  21. Just finished reading Scared and would love to read Priceless. Having a daughter from Africa and one from Eastern Europe–both books strike such a chord of thankfulness that they are here with us! Thanks for spreading the word. Posted on FB.


  22. So…I posted this on facebook, also. Too bad I don't have a blog, because I would do it there, too. Hope I win, hope I win, hope I win!

  23. Hi Kari! Would love to enter your giveaway contest. I will post on my FB status today, also. Love following your blog, love Tom Davis, and love any ministry that helps children all around the world.

  24. i'm interested in winning this book….sounds like a super good read w/ an excellent msg…and of course, coffee! 🙂 I'll be happy w/ the book and my dear husband will be happy w/ the coffee. 🙂


    Eunice B

    rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  25. I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog and added a giveaway of my own-

    My blog also posts automatically to my facebook personal page and my fan page.

    I am going to add the link for Saits Coffee now, and will tweet later.


    BTW, we have a daughter adopted from Ethiopia in 2006 and are beginning our journey to adopt from there a second time.

  26. I am interested in reading this book, because I am unaware of the trafficking going on in Russia and would like to learn more. I also love coffee and would be very happy to win some. Linda

  27. hello and thank you! i have been hearing so much about priceless and excited to read the book. i'm in the fight against human trafficking and truly passionate to do justice in this way! i'll be posting this on my blog- thank you!


  28. Hello there! I've got a new blog for Priceless & Coffee Give-away tho it's taken over an hour just to get the links on none the Graphic of Book & Coffee. Urgh! LOL Enuf time spent, need to move forward in the day Ha

  29. Hello from your May profile family! Tried to post the badges on my blog…but no such luck! Bummer. I sent out a nice, juicy post to my fb friends though. Red Letters was great & I'd love to check out Priceless. Crossing my fingers…


  30. Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting Tom Davis' and his incredible book Priceless!!! Thank you for your understanding on the craziness trying to copy the 2 badges on your blogs… I gave everyone an extra entry just for effort:) Please go out and buy the book and share it with a friend or two!! Your prayers and action will help Tom and his CHC team stop this atrocity around the world!!



  31. I would like to know more about this tragedy and find out how I can help. Thank you for entering me into the drawing for the giveaway.

  32. I don't have a blog, but will tell friends about the cause, website and contest! Thank you for caring and inspiring others. Blessings, Melanie

  33. I have 4 children 2 bio and 2 adopted from Ukraine. My daughter adopted in 2005 was nearly seven years old and had been in an orphanage for only about 18 months. Her mother had started prostituting her at under four years old. I believe that the Lord rescued her out of what would have potentially been a returning to the hell her mother had put her through had He not led us to adopt her. She is wounded and troubled but we will not give up. I feel like Priceless is the story of what her life would have been. Thanks for telling/ and getting the stories out there. I don't have a website, but will post to FB account

  34. Yes my wife And I are sponsering an Teenager from the Ministry Center, We are soo thrilled to share with her, the love and support she really needs. I want to press on everyone that this ever so important, to get involved to make an difference.There is an child that needs your help.Love is not Love without an Caring Heart!! God Bless U All

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