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  1. I LOVED Kirk Cameron! I was never much of a teen idol freak out kind of teenager, but you can bet that I loved Kirk. Fast forward about 10 years to when I was college, he came to speak at Ichthus. I lost sleep over thinking about meeting him! Lame, I know. And then the shining moment came….I had a media pass, so I got to bypass all the crazy teens who were in line for his autograph (seriously, what did those kids know about Kirk? Growing Pains re-runs?). It was finally my turn to speak to him, and I very calmly started telling him how much I appreciated his testimony, and then it happened….I started crying….I could barely get an audible word out. He looked at me with the most sincere and kind eyes and said, "Thank you SO much." And then I walked away, and one of my friends who was working security says to me with shock in her voice, "Are you CRYing???!!!" I nodded my head in shame. And for years after that encounter, I would cringe with embarrassment any time I thought about the encounter. But I still love you, Kirk! Oh, and Kirk loves adoption too! He's just so dreamy in every way! 🙂

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