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  1. Uh, HELLO???!!! I don't need 3 reasons to go! I was SOLD from the very beginning! You had me at "Hello." 😉 I know I keep saying this, but I WANT to go!!! One day it will happen! I can't WAIT for that day!

  2. Once you see Africa you will never be the same. I thought I was going to help others and the change it made in me was SO MUCH MORE. I dream of the day I will return and love on those sweet people! They will light a fire under you that you have never felt before! You will never be the same and you will never live the same!

  3. My heart has been changed forever after adopting our children. We have 2 biological and 2 adopted. In the last 2 years God has called our family to do mission work permanently. It doesn't matter wether it is Africa, Taiwan, China, Haiti, Costa Rica, or the bottom of the earth, When you leave this counrty and venture to the poor and hurting, you will be changed forever. YOU need them. The poor and needy are good for you and will change you to be the person God wants you to be. Thank you CrazyAdotpion for your blog.

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