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  1. Even if you can't go on the trip (like myself) we still can support this "CRAZY DREAM" OF KARI'S, and be dressed in style, in all your Simply Love shirts!! Let's get some shirts sold for our GIRL!!!!!

    Love you Kari, you are so AMAZING!!!


    Sherrie xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. hey i just bought a shirt to help your cause and to be entered into your drawing. i know it said to put a note with it saying mission giveaway but i didn't see the box to enter it. anyway, if you could please enter me into the drawing i would be very appreciative. thanks so much. i will be giving this as a christmas present to one of my teenage nieces. even if she doesn't like it that won't matter because it'll be to help someone else 🙂 thanks for all you do

  3. I am spreading the good news, hopefully we will get those tee shirts sold! Thank you for all that you do for us and our friends in Ethiopia! God bless.

  4. I bought a t-shirt last night for my husband and couldn't figure out how to enter him in the mission giveaway. Please would you enter him into the giveaway?? It is a dream of ours to go on a mission trip to Ethiopia. I went once with a friend and long to go back and now it is my husband's dream to go and help as well.

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