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  1. Jesus has moved me to want to know His Mother. How He must love Her!!

    Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I am daily journeying to model her humility, really, really hard and I do it really, really poorly!!

    I wonder and marvel and just plain go…hhhhhmmm….at what She must have been like, what an amazing Mother to be filled with both joy and suffering at the same time. I know for me as a woman there are so many times throughout my day I receive both joy and suffering, together. Can you imagine being the Mother to the Savior of the world? Can you imagine kneeling at His feet while He hung on the Cross?

    Such joy and suffering she endured, and, wow, I just think she must have been beautiful while doing both,in Her Motherly way, at the same time!!

    1. Diane, thank you for sharing this! Wow, I can't even imagine what it would have been like to raise this Boy who was and is our Savior! You have challenged me to take a closer look. Thank you and bless you and your family. Kit

  2. I LOVE Corrie ten Boom! I LOVE the Hiding Place! I've read it several times (which I rarely do with books). My evangelist heart aches with joy as I read her stories, and how they shared Christ in the concentration camps. SO amazing. SO beautiful.

    1. Nina, I agree. Corrie alway seemed to point to her sister Betsy, and the lessons Betsy taught her. Corrie was the outspoken one and eventually, the one who put these experiences to pen — but I look forward to meeting Betsy in Heaven and conversing with her! Thank you for sharing. Kit

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