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  1. People always think I am so great or brave or amazing because I adopted. I am no hero, it is the mothers who sacrifice a piece of their heart to put their child into a loving family who are the true heroes. God Bless the mothers (or grandmothers) of our children!!!

  2. I am so impressed with this mothers courage and bravery! How many women do you know who would tell the dr to stop and get off the table and leave to allow this child life. Praise God she took action so quickly when she heard HIS voice. Praise Him for HIS plans for us are always for good. Sometimes we can not see how the good will come out of difficult times, like her rape. But what an absolute inspiring and powerful witness of HIS love for us.

  3. Thank you sweet birthmother, and all other birthmothers, for choosing life for your child. What a brave thing to do. May many others be encouraged by your story.

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