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  1. or, you could purchase a headband from the org. Because Every Mother Matters,

    and support an African refugee here in the USA also!

    you can find info via steffany boster,

    look her up on FB!

    1. Amy, that is great- possibly any readers who DONT sew can purchase them for my headband project. Do you want to dig up the info and post here in the comments for me?


  2. Happy Birthday Zoie Senait!!!!

    Zoe and I would LOVE this project, we will get right on it and start recruiting some other people as well!! Still wish I were going with you!

  3. I would love to help! I have already started sending out emails and it looks like I'll be hosting a headband making party next weekend. Yeah, what fun! Just let me know where I need to send them.

  4. And her little video…. SO CUTE! She's adorable!!! I miss having a little GIRL! Hope you guys have a great day celebrating!


    Kari, I would love to purchase some head bands for your trip, I don't sew at all, but would love any info where I can purchase some to send with you!!

    Let me know!!

    love ya,

    Sherrie xox

  6. You can count on me for a half-dozen or so. I'll send 'em before the end of the month. xoxoxox Bonny in New Mexico

  7. I sent you an e-mail, but I am not sure if you received it. I can commit to 10-12 headbands (at least!). But I'm not sure where to send them :O). Very happy to help!

    1. THANK YOU THANK YOU SISTERS!!! I added the mailing address on this post. We have already hit our goal in 3 days- now going for 400 headbands & bows!!! You rock!!

  8. I made 25 yesterday! So now I'll give it a rest, but please send your address to me at bonnyholder@yahoo. xoxoxox love from New Mexico

  9. Kari, wow! how did I miss this? expect a package from Paeton and I, we have been making hair bows/head bands to raise $$ for Dig Deep and we would be so happy for the Princess of Korah to wear our designs : ) GOd bless you and your ministry!

  10. I have two more to make for an even dozen and will be mailing them to you in the next day or two from Texas. God bless.

    Gena Beam

  11. I am mailing out the headbands today that I promised last week. Mother Nature shut down north Texas last week for four days and my supplies were 20 miles away. I got them finished today and hope that they will make it to you in time. Since I can't go to Ethiopia, I'm so excited to spread a least a little sunshine in the girls' lives at Korah. Thank you for your heart for the orphans and children there. God bless you and all the others on this mission trip.

    Gena Beam
    Midlothian, TX

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