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  1. The more I read on your blog, the more I’m liking it. Some of your tips are really useful, though I’m not too sure that I want to try them all, lol. In any case, you sound like a really nice person 🙂

  2. Hi, congratulations on your adoption. It would be helpful if you could share some of your experience in getting through the adoption process in SL as I an aware of a number of couples who wish to adopt from Sierra Leone(SL) but have not be able to do so. The government of SL put a moratorium on adoption in May of 2009 whilst they reviewed the procedures and the case of some “alledged” stolen children who were adopted by unknowing american parents without the consent of their birth parents. To date the moratorium has not been lifted. This month (August 2011) – the government was urged by the head of the bar association to speed up the process. The head of one of the orphanages who is currently visiting the USA -only last week spoke of her frustration that them moratorium has not be lifted and no one seems to have any idea when it will be. So if you could share your experience it would help = I know at least two couples that have been waiting almost two years to start the adoption process for the children that they are sponsoring.Thank you.

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