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  1. I love the T too…its friends of ours adoption from ET. Its the miles from Springfield to Addis:) I'll get her link & send it to you!!Happy New Year!xoxox

  2. LOVE that shirt tooo!!!!!I hope you are feeling much better – looks like your bruising is in the nice stages of yellow :).Take care Mindy

  3. Kari, Sooo goood to see your family!!! We were praying for you while we were in ET! What a crazy turn of events. I would be grieving the loss of my teeth also! Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement while we were in ET! It meant so much!!! Right now I am trying to get David Million on our time schedule…as of yet I am sleeping with him in the days and awake in the middle of the night. One of these days we will get there! Praying for continued encouragement for your heart, healing for your body and special times with your family! much love, Anna

  4. oh so cute…i just love these!!! can't wait to get those 2 brown sugahs (not a misspell 🙂 together again!

  5. Hey friend, just wanting to check in on youand yours. How are things going with your teeth? I just know you are still so beautiful ~ Gotta love a hubby who helps out and does his part to keep you away!! :):) love ya, jori

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