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  1. Wow Kari! What a powerful blessing that the Lord allowed you to see and be a part of! Thank you for sharing Mercy's story, as it encourages me and strengthens my faith here. Prayers and love to Mercy and her mother!

  2. Reading about Mercy and God's healing power brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for reminding me to be obedient to God's calling and not be fearful or doubtful of how he can use us to demonstrate his love. Thanks for sharing so much!

  3. Wow. What an amazing privelege for your group to witness God's moving and God performing a miracle!

  4. Kari, what a beautiful story of God’s healing power!! Mercy is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Can’t wait to hear about how God will use her in the future!!! Thank you for going!!

  5. Amazing. How often we don't heed God's call and then regret our lack of action. So thrilled that you got to witness our miraculous God in action. Mercy, know that you are in many hearts and prayers. Such a witness you have to share about God's abundant power and love! Wishing you a life of joy!

  6. Crying tears of joy for you Mercy!!! You are a beautiful girl whom GOD has poured his love over. Praying that he continues to stay close to you and you to him all the days of your life. We are praying for you and your mother!!!

  7. Tears of amazement and joy! I m getting ready to go to church – today I offer it up for Mercy, her mother, and you/your team. Thank you for sharing, and for your work.

  8. Mercy,
    You are such a treasure! Our God is Mighty to Save! He has not forgotten you. He has not forgotten your people. He upholds you with HIS mighty right hand. He hides you in the shadow of His wings. Keep your focus on Him and allow Him to do a mighty work in you.

    Blessings and Love to you!

  9. Kari,
    I have to say that when we came back from Ethiopia, we said THOSE VERY WORDS, it was like being in bible times. And, I have said…I saw what I saw and I can't forget it SO MANY TIMES since returning. Processing all of the raw emotions was and has been so difficult since returning, but my hubby and I are praying and simply allowing God to have his way in our lives. Don't know if you've heard the new Josh Wilson song…I REFUSE…but that's our family's newest song. Love what you're doing. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  10. Mercy,
    You are precious and beautiful! You are so LOVED! Our God is so mighty and his arms are wrapped around you. He has BIG plans for you. I may be far away from you, on the other side of the world, but I love you and I am lifting you up to the Father. I am praising and thanking God for you. Believe in yourself, Mercy, but more importantly believe in Him in you!

  11. THANK YOU for sharing this amazing, heart filling story! I feel bleesed just to have read this miracle! Mercy is an stunningly beautiful woman, and I too, will pray for her continued healing. As a Mother, it is your worst fear to see a grave situation for your child, and to have that great faith in knowing it is not in our hands, but in God's, can be so hard sometimes. Thank you for what you do, and please, give Mercy and her Mother a big hug from me!

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  13. I just launched a funding campaign with Indiegogo to help me publish a book on adoption.  Please go to and leave a comment with the link to your blog–I hope to attract lots of people who are interested in adoption.  I’d appreciate your sharing this link with others, too.  Thanks!

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