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  1. Well I just cried my way through A Walk to Beautiful. Guess who's about to buy a t-shirt… me. 🙂 Now to decide which one and begin praying about a visiting orphans trip even if I don't win. So thankful to have found your blog.

  2. Kari,

    This is such an AMAZING dream!!! I am so proud of you!! You took your "CRAZY DREAM" and prayed and believed and it HAPPENED!!! I'm so beyond proud for you and this mission!!!!


    Sherrie xoxox

  3. YOu did it or should I say God did it through you! I am so proud of you, Kari. You are such a unique, amazing woman! I love how you love boldly and live for his glory in big ways! I've been encouraged by you so many times. I am so excited for you and all He's doing through you! Keep dreaming big! Love you, Emily

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