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  1. Ha! I love this! I'm sitting here reading this post with my dossier binder laying next to me. I love the feeling I get each time I add a new document to it! 🙂 We got to add our doctor letter to it this morning! Yay!

  2. Thank you for this practical advice as well as encouragement. I have 4 bio kids and we are adopting siblings from Ethiopia. It has been a busy couple of weeks as I get each of our documents together for our dossier. I homeschool as well so we have gotten some good life lessons as we parade into the bank, police station, drs office, etc. At times I have cried and at times we have high fived each other with success. My kids all know not to touch the red notebook – not eat or drink near it – actually it is best to just not even look at it 🙂 Just a few more pieces of paper – I can see the light! Thanks again!

  3. I just went to Wal-Mart today and purchased my binder! This is so neat and clean I love it!! Only things left now are medicals, fingerprints, fundraising and hubby to complete autobiography! Yah!!!! Also, anyone interested in sponsoring or adopting a child from Africa please look at my dear friends website above or contact me directly! Thanks for your help Kari. Keep up the awesome work you have truely helped us thru these first stages with your website and direction. Especially since we are "crazy" Hehe and not using an agency!

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