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  1. Awesome Video!!! Love that you share my heart in all things adoption and absolutely love the blessing idea! Weve only had our daughter home for 1.5 yrs, but we just try at each holiday to do something traditional that would be done in her birth country. She is from Guatemala so a lot of the things we do center around food:) One thing we do that is done in her country-is when we greet her through out the day-we kiss her on both cheeks and just say this is how people who love each other greet one another in your birth country. Thanks agian for sharing!

  2. Great video! Me and my husband are currently praying about adopting from Ethiopia. We feel this is something God is definately calling our family to do. We are excited about the road ahead and doing a lot of research. We have two toddlers ( a boy and a girl) who are as excited as we are:) This video inspires me to do some of these things you mentioned!..thanks for the ideas:)

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