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  1. Had a quick question for you and didn't know how else to get in contact with you. My wife an I are adopting from Ethiopia and are interested in bringing our 3 oldest children with us when we travel. Our 16 yr old girl on the first trip and our 13 yr old twin boys on the 2nd trip. I saw in your gotch vid that you took your kids. Wondering what your thoughts are on bringing the kids? Any special concerns we should be aware of? Seems like a life-changing opportunity to see a 3rd world country (see, taste, smell) and to see where their new sister comes from. Also, my wife bought me a Simply Love shirt for Father's Day. Love it! Great message, great shirt! Thanks so much!

    Russ Nordstrom

  2. Girl I am laughing – this is great advice. Bryan seriously thought I was nuts – he'd come home and I would bombard him with what was happing with families ahead of us. All he wanted to know was if we moved up the list any. HAHAHA. I do not miss those times!

  3. Kari! This is an AWESOME mini-series to do. As Joshua and I are in the thick of our 2nd adoption journey we're realizing how VITAL it is to keep our marriage central. It is just soo easy to lose sight of keeping correct priorities when our identity gets wrapped up in the adoption process. One thing we did for this 2nd adoption was to actually write up a crisis plan and give it to our accountability partners and pastors. We just want others involved in making sure our marriage is kept first and that our family stays healthy! Great Topic! Can't wait to see the rest of them. =)

  4. What Great advice!! I know I was practically married to my computer during both our adoptions. I was not a good wife or mother to my other kids while I was in pursuit of our newest child.

    I love that you are giving great insight to those in the midst of the paperchase, paper pregnancy and all that waiting.

    YES. Enjoy your spouse and have great moments together just like you would during a regular pregnancy!! God bless each of you who are "waiting"!!

  5. You have no idea how much I needed this right now!! My female brain is overflowing with adoption facts, other families and I want to talk about it all, while my husband needs time to process 🙂 Thank you for being so transparent.

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