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  1. This is such a great video.This past year my husband and I adopted 3 children through foster care. They are now 2, 5 and 7. The older two,(siblings) came from a very neglectful background. They needed hugs for thier owies. Unfortunatly (due to my background) I could not touch them. Sometime the thought of touching them (let alone huging or cuddling) would make me physically ill. I knew they desperatly needed touch from me in order to heal. I sought help in my Lord. He has healed me from my past hurts so I can be an instrument to heal theirs. It is not a habbit for me to touch so even after the Lord healed me I didn't think to do it. So in order to change my habbits I have set my alarm to go off every hour. When it goes off I hug them all(no matter what we are doing.) At first they were confused but now when ever they hear the alarm go off they come running from all corners of the house!

    My husband and I are now prayerfully considering adopting overseas. Our heart goes out to the children who are HIV positive. We are excited about how God will use and stretch us to further His Kingdom! Thank you for being His instrument.

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