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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Kari. I look forward to reading about other's "aha moments". I don't think we really had one, but I definitely had the desire to adopt before my husband did and had to surrender the issue to the Lord. He is SO faithful and changed my husband's heart over time and here we go! I can't wait to meet our new children! We are so blessed.

  2. I loved reading your story. Others' stories were such a blessing to me when we first started this process. I hope it will be a blessing to someone on the verge of taking that leap of faith towards adoption. Our story would take awhile to write here, so I will just add the link here, in case anyone wants to read it.

    Thank you for sharing your heart for adoption. You are such a blessing to me and others.


    1. Thank you moms for sharing your adoption links- this is perfect & exactly what I wanted for our adoption readers!! I pray that our stories can give hope, reassurance, excitement and support for anyone wanting to care for orphans!! Lets keep linking together all our stories!!


  3. I know your story….but reading it again brought tears to my eyes!! I'm so glad you were brave enough to step out and get on that crazy adoption roller coaster.

    I don't remember our "Ah Ha" moment. Shane and I had always wanted to adopt, it was the financial side that kept us away so long. When the opportunity came to be one of the first to adopt from Ethiopia, we jumped at the chance. Who knew that our "three month" time frame would turn into a year and a half long struggle to bring our children home. And who knew that 4 years later we would be taking the journey again! God knew.

    My advice to those considering adoption is to Listen. Pray for guidance and let your heart be open to whatever God leads you to do. Then…expect something incredible. Know that in adoption you will face difficulties, run into seemingly impenetrable walls, you will cry, you will scream, you will be filled with such joy when that photo comes to your inbox, and you will hurt as you stare into the eyes on that photo and wonder when you will be able to hold that precious child. Then, when things are FINALLY complete, you will have in your arms a treasure that you will cherish forever. A child who is your own, and who you will love more deeply than you ever could have imagined.

    1. Randi, how many coffees did we drink and talk to help me thru our adoption process- waiting for 2 years to bring home Zoie. You were the support team I needed to hold on and not give up. I can never walk into a Starbucks without thinking about our adoption therapy sessions… you were the Lara Croft for Ethiopian adoptions and I know sooo many adoption families from ET don't even know that fact!!! God used you to break down the corruption & difficult structures in Addis Ababa & govt for all of us to follow!! Your 3 Ethiopian miracles are my treasure and the main source of my hope & support to make it to Zoie girl!!! How can I ever thank you sister!!


  4. Thanks for sharing your story, Kari! It is so encouraging to hear, especially since my husband and I are wrestling with the same thoughts and fears and questions right now as we contemplate adoption and what we think/hope/fear/and pray that God is calling us to.

  5. totally sending readers over to you now!!! Just found your blog about 2 weeks ago and I LOVE it…loooking forward to getting a t-shirt for myself and the hubster soon when budgeting allows!

  6. Thanks, Kari, for the wonderful encouraging post! We have our first homestudy meeting today and I was just sitting here wondering if what we are doing is really right for us. It has been on our hearts for some time – very urgently in the past several months. The expense of international adoption has kept us at bay, but we are stepping out in faith and believing God will provide! I'm a jumble of emotions! I can't believe I feel all these things all at once – it is WAY more emotional to me that finding out we were pregnant for the first time 8 years ago. I guess I should gear up for quite a roller coaster ride.

  7. we're inthe middle of a lot of what you are saying here….we've been here for several months. we have the paperwork – some conflict around the adoption issue has definitely put us in a state of increased fear…….looking forward to your next post on this – could you post it? like now. or even yesterday?

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I feel very encouraged as I wait for Gods leading and working on my husbands heart if it is His will. Thank you for your example of how you waited on the Lord! It sounds as if you very graciously and gently waited for your husbands heart to be turned to adoption. Something I needed to hear as I am falling into one of those times where i could easily, if I am not careful, get in the way . God is good and will give us the desires of our heart if we love him and obey. But He may not always do it the way we think He should. Grateful for His grace!!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm not sure about our aha moment, I had a heart for adoption when I was younger. When I got pregnant and was HORRIBLY sick (in and out of the hospital) I told my husband we were adopting. Since he was in Iraq during the pregnancy he didn't realize the extent of it and we had another biological child (which I'm thrilled about now, of course). We both decided that IF we add to our family after that, it'll be through adoption. 11 months after our daughter was born my husband actually came home seriously talking about it. We got info, got overwhelmed and stopped for a while. Finally – 2 years after that – we started the process. We should be beginning our home study shortly!!! Hurray!

  10. Thanks for sharing this story… very encouraging. I am a young woman who for some reason has always felt drawn to international adoption. I am getting married later this year to a man who is hesitant about it. It just wasn't on his "radar" before I came along. Sometimes I've wondered why God would call me to someone who seems hesitant in that realm. (I mean I am happy about marrying him, just am intrigued at how God is going to work here). It is interesting to read several stories where God cleared the way when the time was right.

  11. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your story! I know I'm going to spend hours today checking out everyone's links! 🙂 I am adopted and it has been a beautiful blessing to my life. I have always fantasized about adopting myself, but after having 3 girls of my own, and a husband who said No, I thought it impossible. That is, until a few weeks ago, and I just blurted out I wanted to adopt to my husband, and he said he would be all for it. Right now though, we are stuck in fear. I could so relate to your post in that way. The money, not knowing if we should go domestic or international, my extreme (like panic attack style) fear of travel. I keep telling the Lord He should know I cannot travel to Ethiopia! I mean, you name it, and I fear it! Ha! So, we will pray, and I will do my research, and I know the Lord will lead us. Thank you so much for this site!! Oh, I ordered one of your shirts the other day and I LOVE it!!

  12. I found your blog this morning and this post was meant for me. Like many wives, I have a stronger desire to make this happen but my husband is willing. He has a "No" moment in November which devastated me, but it was God's timing. During that time, we found out we were going to become grandparents. The decision to continue has been mine, and I seriously took a step back to process whether I wanted ot adopt a child vs just wanting a baby or child in our family. My desire to adopt hasn't changed! It's still strong. This is definitely a God given desire.

    Thank you for sharing.

  13. Kari, I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this this morning! My husband and I have always felt called to adoption and after three biological children, God has led us to adopt from Haiti. We are just finishing our home study and beginning our dossier and have started sharing the news with family and friends. My heart was broken this weekend when others did not share our joy and excitement. Your post has encouraged me to continue to pray that their hearts open up and support our decision. Thank you for sharing your story!

  14. Tara, as you move forward, its incredible to watch others around start expressing joy, but it takes time. Their biggest hurdle- fear!! They fear you will go thru pain and don’t know how to express that with you. At least, that was what we went thru. Your excitement and joy will be contagious and letting family know what you need to feel support! Bless you and your upcoming adoption!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO I’m super excited for you:)

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