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  1. Jennifer – I met you two years ago when there in Pignon with two others teaching at College de la Grace on PTSD for Caleb. What a heart wrenching story. I’m so moved by your and Bill’s deep compassion for child and mother. Looking forward to reading more from you. Many blessings, Tamara

  2. Jen, I was on Kari’s team that visited HHH in January. I grew up in a Christian home. God’s love is all that has ever been taught to me. However, I did not understand God’s love and the depth of it until my time in PAP and Pignon. Thank you for writing this and reminding me of how pure God’s love is. You and Bill have an incredible ministry, but please know it extends far beyond the community of Pignon. Most of all thank you for being obedient to God.

  3. very touching. reminds us of the reality of soo many…and challenges us to keep focus and pay attention to God’s calling and not to get caught up in our comfortable life. Thank you so much for sharing. I plan on printing and using for a devotional with the women we work with.

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