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  1. I have no words to express how awed I am by your story and by the work that God has done through you. Your words inspire my heart so much!! Blessings to all of you!

  2. I am awed that God allowed me to carry this child for 9 months and that he entrusted her father and I to be her parents. Her strength and determination is only outweighed by her love of God and her family. She and her husband do not just "talk the talk" but they go heart first into whatever God leads them to do regardless of their lack of resources or support. What a change there would be in our world if we all followed their example.

  3. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their encouragement. We have been blessed far beyond what we ever imagined.

    Granny, I had great role models growing up. You and dad were always there to give a helping hand to anyone who came to our door. Having foster children in our home growing up really opened my eyes to the needs of children. That is why I became a social worker!! Thank you!

  4. Pingback: ehliyet

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