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  1. Awesome pictures!! So glad to have been a part of the blessing. I was blessed to know that in some small way I was helping minister to my son's homeland. Thanks for letting us be a partner with you.

  2. Oh Kari, this shook me… I knew about Korah before and had seen plenty of photos and videos and read first hand accounts, but there's just something about seeing something that you personally made on one of these beautiful children. I need to do more.

  3. That is so amazing. Who would have thought bows! And to see the faces of the beautiful girls and women that received them is so awesome. I wish I could have been there! Next time you do this, I will learn to make bows so I can send some with you!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this Kari!! I cannot wait to show Samantha the pictures of the girls wearing her bottle cap flowers. She will be delighted!! Crazy fun idea!!

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