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  1. Alright Kari,

    This truly is one of the more thought provoking contests you have I had.

    I need to really think about this one.

    Because every blog i read or is listed on my site their life, their story, their faith has spoken directly to my heart.

    With that…I do have a lady who popped into my heart.

    I need to finish cooking dinner,

    But I will be back!

  2. Kelly Putty….

    The woman inspires me to no end!!! Currently in Africa on yet another mission for orphans and is up against tremendous odds. We've been praying for her and her team of women constantly. They faced riots, arrest and huge disappointment and struggle in the last week and they continue to push onward knowing the Lord is leading them. Just as the verse on the back of the shirt says.

    Thanks for the awesome contest! I hope Kelly wins!

  3. I'm back….

    this woman is a quiet hero.She is unassuming. A wallflower. I have "known" her since my daughter died in Liberia two years ago. I got to meet her once for a brief moment, in a doorstep, in Texas.

    I can't quite explain why I felt lead to nominate her. Except when I think of her, I think of courage. I think of strength. She has 7 children and one waiting in Liberia. 5 are adopted. They all came to her in faith.

    She is steadfast. I know she has faced incredible financial, emotional and parental challenges, yet she is a silent warrior. One who is fighting on her knees.

    Emily Wickham- One brave hearted chick

    Her blog might be private.

    Please let me know if she wins, so I can have the pleasure of letting her know!

  4. Wow. There are SOOOO many! I can't limit it to one- maybe I will get all my votes thrown out, but hey.

    Melissa Hill (sis in law)- what she does in West Dallas, caring for her own family and the 100's of other kids in Mercy Streets program. She doesn't even blog about all of it- but she is there, in action, every single day.

    Gwen and Suzanne- two women passionate about orphan care and adoption. PASSIONATE. They are living it out on a daily basis.

    You inspire me too sister. Love this contest.

  5. I have to second Kristi and Renea. I've stayed completely stunned this week with all that Kelly Putty has faced. I had the privilege of meeting her several months ago, and while so beautiful and kind, she's just like every other mom–wants the best for her children and children EVERYWHERE!

    While her travels to Sierra Leone have been horrifying, her waiting children list is inspiring. I think (correct me if I'm wrong, somebody) every child that was on her list from Ethiopia has been connected to a family eager to bring them home. How brave to push the "it will never work's" out of your mind and just go for it! Lives–many of them–are forever changed because she took the time to share her photography with the blog world.

    That's my two cents. I do love your contests, Kari!

  6. Oh what a challenging question. I am inspired daily by Brave Hearted Chick in blogland. All of the above noted heros come to mind including Emily Alexander who directed me here. But if I am limited to one vote, I will have to cast it for Katie Davis of I am twice her age and she leaves me awe inspired with every post. She inspires me to love recklessly, to risk all, to serve well, to pray harder, to surrender completely, to give entirely, to trust absolutely, to live holy, to work for His Kingdom unanimously, to worship Him exclusively, and to glorify His name ultimately. She is one BRAVE HEARTED CHICK!

  7. My Brave-Hearted Chick Award would def. go to my friend Amy Block (….She's currently a mom to 7 children, 3 of whom were adopted. She and her family were SO excited last year when they were selected to adopt a sibling group of 5 additional children from the foster care system, and they poured their hearts into those children. Sadly, that adoption was unable to be finalized because of issues that became apparent as Amy and her husband parented the sibling group. Her heart was crushed…in her pain she was DONE adopting…It hurt too much! .But over this year, she's decided to put fear behind her and step out again to say yes to God and to open their home to more children. The Block family didn't have the $$ to adopt, but they knew God was at work, so they got a big pickle jar, and decided to start saving for their next adoption. They planned to kick this off by eating only beans and rice for a month, saving the difference for their adoption….Someone heard their story and donated the Blocks the $$ to fund another adoption….They celebrated and are so excited, but they've decided that they will still follow their prior plans and raise the money for an adoption…someone else's adoption! They want to forward the gift that has been given to their family. I just love the heart of this girl and the way she thinks!

    I rarely read Amy's blog without being blessed and CHALLENGED! She defines a Brave Hearted Chick in my book!

    Lisa H.

  8. I am torn because I came here to second Amy Block's nomination but also want to second Katie Davis' nomination.

    Both women inspire me with their every post! Both live lives so counter to modern culture. Yet,both make me want to be more like them.

    Each a picture of LOVE!

  9. i know i am too late, but i am just so wanted to shout out because i know Katie Davis, Emily Alexander and Kelly Putty !!!! THEY ALL ROCK AND LEAD THE WAY FOR MANY OF US !!!!


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