Can I Afford Missions?
Yes Yes Yes!!
Yes, you can afford missions!! The number one excuse reason I hear from people considering NOT going on a missions trip is the cost. Mission trips cost money. If you travel overseas, a trip can cost up to $3,400. I understand that the amount makes most of us gulp and cringe, but I promise you God will provide the means for you to afford missions. I want to share 3 crazy stories from people that desired to go on a missions trip and trusted God 100% to provide the money.
Cassie is a college student in my town and I recently had the opportunity to talk to her class about visiting orphans. I received an email from her the next day and was thrilled to watch the incredible journey God started in her heart.
Cassie’s story:
Hey there,
I was so inspired by your talk today in minority groups. Missions has been on my heart for a while now, but every time I want to go the money stands in my way. I am so excited for this Uganda trip, I have wanted to go there since I found out about “Invisible Children” a couple years ago, but I have never had the chance. This trip would be an amazing trip to go on and I feel like God has really put you in my life for a reason and today you spoke to a lot of my passions. I love children and I feel like every child deserves to feel loved and to go and visit an orphanage would be amazing. I really hope you meant it when you said you would help me with fund-raising because I already filled out the application to the Uganda trip. I still have to send in my deposit and my references, but I truly feel like this a God thing and God directed you in my life for this trip. Thanks so much for coming and talking to our class, it was truly inspiring to hear your stories. I hope this all made sense because i am so excited I just wanted to put it all out there, so sorry if some of it is jumbled, ha. I am so pumped about this opportunity, you have no idea! Love, Cassie
Look what God did 2 weeks later in Cassie’s life:
My birthday was coming up and I knew that I would get some money from that. The money I received from my birthday I was going to use for the application process. I figured that I would receive about $100, but to my surprise God provided for the whole fee. When I opened one of my cards, I found the exact amount I needed for the application fee. This to me was a true sign of God’s sovereignity! Cassie is going with me to Uganda 2011!!!!!!!!!
Joe and Carrie contacted me about traveling in July 2010 on the 14 day missions trip to Ethiopia and Uganda with Visiting Orphans. During that time, Joe lost his job and they both felt financially it was not wise or responsible to raise $6,800 for both of them to travel. Instead of giving up, they started praying and their story will inspire you… YES, YOU CAN AFFORD MISSIONS!!
I met Carrie on my blog. She had nooo idea she was emailing me Part 1 of her adventure (get ready to be crazy inspired:)
Carrie’s Story- February 25, 2010
Where to start? First, let me say my husband and I would like to be a part of the trip to Africa in July. I have felt the Spirit move me toward serving God’s children in Africa get stronger and stronger and the fire within me grow stronger, and I am thrilled that my husband has agreed to share in the journey with me. It will be a true faith trip for us, though- as God is leading us into uncharted territory even before we ever cross into a new land. As of last week, both my husband and I are without employment. He was let go from a contracting position with the company he worked for for 2 years, and I walked away from my job to put an end to a situation that was getting progressively worse. We have paid 2 months rent on the house and have a pantry and freezer full of food- and not much else in the way of provisions. We have essentially freaked his family ( non- believers) out because we are not panicking about our circumstances. WE KNOW God is in control. We KNOW He will not forsake us. I cannot even imagine how they will react when they hear that we are going to try to raise nearly $8000 to leave our 3 children behind and serve people who have far less than even us.
I share this with you not to receive kudos, but because I covet your prayers. Prayers for strength and courage to withstand the upcoming fury of doubters and naysayers and courage to be brave and be strong in my saving knowledge that I ONLY need Christ- even when things don’t go how I think they are supposed to. This is so far removed from anything either of us has EVER considered actually doing, but nothing has ever seemed so right either.
I read your post today about fundraising- literally right after talking to my hubby about going on a trip. I knew this is the one we are supposed to go on. I guess I just don’t know how to take that first step out of the boat. Honestly, I can’t even send in the applications since we will have to raise the $400 for that first. I hesitate to ask you to “hold us 2 spots”- if it is in His plan- we will be there. God bless you for what you are doing and sharing- it has blessed me, and also my family.
Sincerely, Carrie
Love it all! Such powerful testimonies of God's provision and faithfulness. I love His timing, and His ways: they never fail to be much better than my own. 🙂
Now can you save me a spot on your team? JK I have a feeling we will be home with our babies, but OH how I long to go!!!
Just today – I was blown away by God's provision – even in the smallest things. My husband and our 2 sons had been invited on a Father/Son church campout – but with our upcoming adoption and many household expenses incurred by our big family – we just couldn't afford the $150 for the trip. Jay sent an email yesterday – telling the trip leader "no". This morning – the leader called and offered a scholarship for the full amount. Thank you, Lord, for your provision.
Love it!
And this reminds me! I need to get my app in to VO! I'm so excited for 2011!!!